Serious Plateau! HELP!



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I have been working out like crazy at least 6 times a week, burning at least 700+ calories daily and eating around 1200-1300 calories a day.

    Therein lies the problem
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    You have lost so much weight and have done a great job. I'm just starting and have no right to tell you what to do.. but from all my reading on the forum..if you eat more you'll start losing. I have seen countless posts saying this.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    A person should burn 2000 calories a week, excessive burns will cause free radical productions which are harmful to the body.
    source this *kitten*.

    you can also type it in google and find studies.
    i did google, also google scholared. didn't find anything.
    also, loving them abstracts! especially where it says "although there is no evidence that this affects sporting performance in the short term, it may have longer term health consequences."
    to repeat, NO EVIDENCE for the short term, MAY in the long term.
    also curious where you got the number 2000 from. maybe you were looking at the year the article was published, 2002. there have been no major articles that i'm finding written on the subject in the past 10 years, and generally speaking, the older a source is, the less reliable.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    A person should burn 2000 calories a week, excessive burns will cause free radical productions which are harmful to the body.
    source this *kitten*.

    you can also type it in google and find studies.
    i did google, also google scholared. didn't find anything.
    also, loving them abstracts! especially where it says "although there is no evidence that this affects sporting performance in the short term, it may have longer term health consequences."
    to repeat, NO EVIDENCE for the short term, MAY in the long term.
    also curious where you got the number 2000 from. maybe you were looking at the year the article was published, 2002. there have been no major articles that i'm finding written on the subject in the past 10 years, and generally speaking, the older a source is, the less reliable.

    There are full ones on the subject as well on google . Here is one from the "Journal Of Exercise Science And Fitness" radicals and exercise implicaton in health and fitness.pdf

    You think there is "short term" evidence smoking is bad for us? Or alcohol consumption?

    The 2000 calories a week came From Dr.Bear Sears PhD (biochemistry)

    here's another one
    "Soy Reduces Harmful Free Radical Formation During Exercise Better Than Whey."
    sources are at the bottom of the page of course.
    short term effects of smoking
    short term effects of drinking.

    your second article is about how soy reduces the number of free radicals and is from the christian broadcasting network. that's not the question here, nor is it a reliable source. i don't care that the guy has a doctorate. in fact, if anything, it biases his opinion, given that he works for a company that sells soy products. obviously, he wouldn't say "hey, antioxidants aren't created during exercise and/or soy does nothing to remove them so you have no reason to buy my products!"

    your first article says that oxidative stress helps prevent against further oxidative stress.
    in their conclusion, "[W]e can still safely recommend the following: eat well, avoid harmful lifestyles (such as excessive alcohol drinking and smoking), and exercise regularly."
    doesn't sound like they're too concerned about the effects of free radicals.

    bear sears... you mean barry sears? the creator of the zone diet? because (surprise!) i can't find anything where he says you can't burn more than 2000 calories per week. unless it's in his anti-aging diet book, but i still probably wouldn't see that as too reliable.
    the degree you have doesn't necessarily qualify you to make claims.

    as a future chemist with a concentration in bioscience, if i were to make the claim that eating 500 g of carbs a day would prevent you from dying and published a book, would you believe it?
  • kcallas88
    kcallas88 Posts: 192
    I loose more weight eating 1600 cals a day and strength training 4times per week then I did eating 1200 calories per day and doing cardio 4 days a week and strength 3...
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    You are starving your body and have been doing so for awhile now. To make it worse, you are losing muscle not fat. Please redo your numbers and start eating to fuel your body, only then, will you will be able to start losing fat once again.
  • holapaola7
    I loose more weight eating 1600 cals a day and strength training 4times per week then I did eating 1200 calories per day and doing cardio 4 days a week and strength 3...

    So, do you eat 1600 cals a day and just do strength training? No cardio?

    Thanks all for the great advice, I have already reconfigured my daily calorie intake. It's a bit hard since I have been doing it for so long, but I am changing it. I never knew I was starving my body. :/