Women in their 30's

Hi everyone!
I'm 32 and trying to lose about 100 pounds. Is there anyone is the same position or has a success story they would ike to share? I would love to hear about your ups and downs to help me with my journey! Feel free to add me as a friend!


  • I'm 35 and my end goal is to lose about 120 lbs. I just started 2 weeks ago though so not quite a success story yet :) I've lost 6 lbs. Feel free to friend me if you like and we can help each other in our journey :)
  • ttgraham
    ttgraham Posts: 1 Member
    I am 35. I was a size 12 until 25 where I met my husband and had 2 kids not I wear a 16 and really want to get back there after almost 10 years! I can't remember it being so hard to lose weight when I was 25 now it is an uphill battle but I am making slow changes. We can do it!
  • NCVF
    NCVF Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 30. About 25lbs down and 45 more to go. I'm actually not even sure of my goal, which can be a problem. I just want to look good and feel good. I'd probably like to lose more. I dont want to be sickly skinny, but I'm so far from that I dont know why that is even a concern. I say it's a problem because I get all excited after losing 5-10 lbs, which I should, and then dont keep the same motivation. Anyway, sorry I'm tired and it's late, I'd like to be about 140 and I'm 5'3.
  • harmonymaxon
    harmonymaxon Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm Harmony I am 31 years old, 5'2 and I weigh 249 pounds! I know right!! Crazy! I started my weight loss process January 8,2013 almost 3 weeks ago. I had to go to the dr I wanted a check up after my friends husband got on me about my colesteral and blood pressure. He had just had an appointment found out his was high. Anyways I about died I steped on that stupid scale and couldn't be leave what I weighed 261 pounds!! I was horrified!! Things have gotten way out of control!! So I decided right than and there it had to change!!!!!!! I have quit drinking pop started counting my cals. And joind a gym! Let me tell you it's been 3 weeks and I already lost 13 pounds!!!! I feel so much better already!! I think you just have to get to a point in life and be ready to change! This is it for me..I AM TAKING BACK MY LIFE!! Good luck! You can do it!!!!!!
  • thirty -three years old and three kids later….206lbs….I really need to do some thing about my weight. I just started this program and came to the realization that I eat a lot!! Opening my eyes to my problem, I have to figure out a way to eat less and exercise more….my goal is to fit in size nine jeans by summer…
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • samanthab19
    samanthab19 Posts: 118 Member
    Thirty-one here, been at it for about a year now and I'm down 86 pounds (lost some before joining MFP). If you use this site faithfully it will work! The loss may not happen overnight, but we didn't get big overnight either ;)
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    34 here, and 80 pounds left of a 100lb weight loss goal. I can't blame my weight on my 2 kids. Ironically, I did not gain weight from having babies... it was post-pardum depression followed by indulging while quitting smoking that got me as high as I am (though, I was already overweight before I had kids anyways).
    During this process I have figured out that my psoriasis was caused by a wheat allergy... that should help me in the long run. It's hard to gain weight eating cake and cookies if you can't eat them LOL.
  • dejastar
    dejastar Posts: 38 Member
    Just turned 36 and I started this journey about 18 months ago of losing 110 pounds. I have lost close to 70 pounds-major health issues in my family caused a plateau with weight loss, but getting back on track. I started at 270-eek! I went from a 22/24 to a loose 14-probably gonna need 12s real soon.
  • Stenobun
    Stenobun Posts: 166 Member
    I'm 36, I started my journey in mid-August of '12 with the goal of 110 pounds. I'm 37 down now.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    31...but 32 in ten days. Hoping to lose 20 kg. Been here a month and down 5, ok start. Its about taking my life back
  • 35 ... when I got on the scale after the Christmas holidays I was horrified when I saw the numbr on my scale. I simply refused to go over 300 so came back here. I used this site last year and it worked great as long as I sticked with it. This time I am taking back my dream .... :flowerforyou:
  • cleanandlean2012
    cleanandlean2012 Posts: 71 Member
    I am 37. Started on MFP on 1st August with 118lbs to lose. I am 33lbs down, so 85lbs to go. I have just had 1 month where things have almost stopped, so as of this morning I have reassessed my plan. 1100 calories, clean and lean foods, increase in protein and change to workouts. Happy to accept new friends to support each other on this journey!
  • Hey There

    I'm 34 years old and have been really using MFP since Jan 2012 and am slightly addicted :happy: . I am a full time working mum of three and my life is crazy busy, so I have to be very focused and organised to fit in some "me" time (i.e. excercise) and make sure we are all eating good healthy food.

    My starting weight was 172lbs. My lowest weight was 130lbs in September 2012 and aiming for an UGW of 119lbs (i'm only 5ft 2inches). I slowly put on some weight before Christmas and during Christmas and have got back up to 139lbs.

    I have re-started my weightloss jouney on 21 Jan and am looking forward to melting off these last 20lbs!! MFP has been fantastic for me - especially as I like to socialise at the weekends :drinker: ....its a great way of keeping an eye on what I am eating over the week so I can still live life and lose weight!

    This is my first post and would welcome any adds for new friends - I could really do with as much support as possible to finally get down to my UGW by Summer 2013 :flowerforyou:

    Good luck with your journey everyone x
  • I'm 35 and have been working on a healthy lifestyle since April '12. I've lost 25 of the 70+lbs I need to lose (not sure what my ultimate goal weight will be. I'll reevalate when I hit 180). Despite working out faithfully, I haven't lost much weight since last summer so two weeks ago I upped my calories and now I'm losing again.
    I love weight lifting and bikram yoga. I don't obsess over food. If you're like minded, I love new friends!
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    I'm 30 and have lost about 50lbs. I don't have a goal weight in mind but I know I need to lose more weight. After losing those 50 lbs, I am stronger and in better shape than I have been in years so I'm working with a personal trainer to build muscle and train for a 5K in May. I was so afraid that it would be harder to lose weight now that I'm not 19 anymore and everyone says how your metabolism slows down after 30, but it seems easier this time because I know this is my last chance to really change my life and I have not quit even after a bad day or week.

    I'm eating a diet low in saturated fats and high in fiber, whole grains, and lean proteins. I also work out whenever possible and walk as often as I can. That's pretty much it.
  • I'm turning 30 in April and gotta lose at least 100 lbs too! You can do it!
  • I'm 31 and trying to lose 101 lbs.....add me if you like. PS love you dog, so cute!
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    I'm 33 and have 120lbs to lose. Started at 270 on January 8, almost at my first 20 lost. Feel free to add me!
  • lmsh19
    lmsh19 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 32, and currently have 33lbs to go til reaching my initial goal of 55lbs. I say initial because my primary goal is to achieve the weight I managed to get to in 2003 using a exercise regime and a group similar to Weight Watchers. When I achieve my primary goal, I will set a new goal, for a total of 70 lbs, to place me in the "normal" weight range according to the BMI charts.

    I have been using My Fitness Pal since the Spring of 2012 and manged to lose 20lbs prior to my July wedding. However, immediately after the wedding I stopped using MFP and stopped watching my intake and gained 30lbs!! I started behaving again in October and have managed to knock 22 of those nasty pounds back off, so far.

    Trying to stay motivated to keep on track, as well, trying to get motivated to excercise, which I definitely do not do enough of!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm 35 and have gone from 220 to 163. I started off back on the healthy lifestyle when my 2nd baby was 8 weeks old back in July 2011! So it's taken me a while.

    With 2 little ones, I think my biggest obstacle has been lack of sleep. I had a bit of a hard time last year when my mum was diagnosed with leukaemia, but I managed to stay on track. It probably delayed my weight loss a little bit though. She's in remission now.

    I'd like to get to 150, so I have 13lbs to go.

    I started using MFP in about July last year i think and have logged every day since then. I exercise a lot and am good with what I eat.

    Feel free to add me!