Anyone doing Weight Watchers??

faithNlove212 Posts: 203 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I did weight watchers years ago & lost 20lbs but stopped because I couldnt afford it. I started again yesterday, it seems it was the only thing that really worked for me. But I find this site helpful as well with keeping track of exercise, water etc.

Just wondering if anyone else is doing weight watchers??


  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I was....but I wasnt successful on it at all. I know it works for a lot of people. This site has helped me more than WW. Are you doing the Points or Core program? I was doing points - seemed easier.
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    I just quit weight watchers a while back because I couldn't afford it. This is a great plan, great site! You've come to the right place!
  • faithNlove212
    faithNlove212 Posts: 203 Member
    Im doing points. I sit down before bed to write out my meal plan for the next day. I mostly like it because some of my favorite resturants have weight watchers on there menu, so I know how many points a meal is if I decide to go out.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I do that now with MFP - plan out the next day's eats.

    I think I wasnt really ready to lose weight when I joined WW. I think you have to be mentally ready to make the change. What I liked about the program was the 0 point foods - you could build a very substantial meal around that.

    Have you heard of Dotti's Weight Loss Zone? It's a website that's chock full of WW info. I still use her site if I need to know the calories in a restaurant item. She lists both US and Canadian chains.
  • faithNlove212
    faithNlove212 Posts: 203 Member
    that site sounds interesting, im gonna have to check it out. thanks. When I used to do WW I was very serious about it & lost 20lbs. But then I couldnt afford it & then found out I was pregnant. My son is 2 now so its been awhile since I was on it. Nothing seems to have changed so I started right back onto the point system, & because I used to be a member I still have all my books & calculator to find out points.

    The food is exspensive but I find coupons online & at each meeting they give you coupons so I usually save a good amount of money :) I like the fact I can still have cakes, cookies etc because they have portion size ones through WW. You can have diet coke because its 0 points but im staying away from juice & soda & only having water or crystal light.

    For exercise I do 2-5 miles a day at home with Leslie Sansone's dvds. My dr. told me not to do any weight training until ive lost at least 30lbs. I have RA so using weights hurts right now ontop of all this extra weight. I need to loose 90lbs.
  • I'm doing Weight Watchers too, but rather than counting points, I keep track of my calories on here. I know it's sounds like a waste to be paying for WW while using a free service online, but paying for it is what keeps me going to the meetings and getting weighed in every week! If I had to count on myself to get on a scale at home every week, I can guarantee it wouldn't happen! And even though there's a "community" on here, I really appreciate going to meetings surrounded by people who are in the same boat as me, led by people who have lost tons of weight on the program. Hey, whatever works, right?
  • I'm doing WW too! That is how I've lost all of my weight so far. I count points and go to meetings, and they are seriously INVALUABLE to me. I've started using MFP to track my calories just recently, because I hit a plateau and wanted to see what was happening. The thing I love about points and activity points, is they are a little more 'vague' than calories, so I find them easier to follow, but the calorie-counting has been given me a clearer picture of exactly what I'm taking in vs. what I'm burning. So for now I'm tracking both! Hopefully I will eventually be able to chose just one. :laugh:

    But WW definitely works, no doubt about it. :smile:
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I joined WW last week. Have done it before but decided to go back as my weight loss has been stagnant. I find that keeping track on points and logging on MFP really helps me to get a clearer picture of mi intake and activity. I have my first weigh in on Tuesday, wish me luck!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Hey all, had my firs WW weigh in yesterday and lost 8.5lbs! As great as it sounds I think that mostly it was because last week was time of the month and I usually gain a few lbs then anyway which is why the weigh loss seems so much this week. I'm aiming for 2ls each week.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I joined WW on 2/16 and have been happy with my progress. I've lost between 1.5 and 2 pounds a week. I'm currently starting my 6th week today (I weigh in on Tuesdays).

    I keep track of points but also log into MFP a couple times a week to log the food. It's helpful to me to see the points to calories conversion. I'm going to keep plugging along until I hit my goal. WW is indeed a lifestyle change and I've found that I'm able to stop and correct areas that have caused me to lose focus in the past. I'm so happy that I gave it a shot.
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