How do you get rid of unwanted roommates?



  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    Update: I wrote them an email the other day explaining that I would call the police if I smelled anything else or heard/saw any more fighting. They didn't answer me, but yesterday they asked me why their internet wasn't working. I told them it got cut off since I can't pay the bill. They questioned me about it like I was lying, then told me it would be hard to find a place to move to without the internet. I got pretty angry and told them to go to the library. They left shortly after that and after they got back I made sure that they got my email from the day before. They said yes, but that they still didn't have a place to go. I told them if they weren't gone by 5pm on Jan 31 I would help them leave. I'm expecting them to try to stay, but I'm not letting them. If I have to push them out the door, they are going! I can't believe how stupid they are. I'd rather get sued than let them stay with my family any longer.
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    Also, these are not friends... just people that answered an ad. I checked their records and paystubs before they moved in. They just use my stuff...cleaners, laundry detergent, etc... (when they actually clean), I had to make them take out their trash after almost 3 weeks because it was stinking up the house so bad.

    I did have permission from our landlord to rent the space as needed. It's safe, legal to use as a bedroom, etc...
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    if they said they will leave the 31st they will...

    What world do you live in?
  • taliar93
    taliar93 Posts: 111 Member
    well since it sounds like them renting from you was basically a verbal agreement, could them saying they're leaving also be constituted as a verbal agreement also? either that or... Write up a little agreement stating they will leave the premises on the 31st, wait until they get high tonight and get them to sign it, I'm not sure where you live though so no idea if it would be considered legally binding, but call your local police station and ask, because if it is, and they don't leave you can call the sheriff to come kick them out :)

    Hope that helps, best of luck, so many horror stories of roommates :(
  • queenprema
    queenprema Posts: 1
    I would love to know how this whole thing turned out...