HELP WANTED PLEASE- any personal trainers out there?

Hi everyone! My name is Brittany, I am 22 years old, recently married :), and a full time college student majoring in Human Services with a minor in Psychology. I have always struggled with my weight since high school always yoyo dieting getting the weight off and putting it right back on. Currently, I am at the heaviest I have ever been at 218lbs!!!!!! :( needless to say my weight makes me feel crumby, disgusting, and not pretty at all which has lowered my self-confidence and self-esteem tremendously! The clothes I fit into just last year are nowhere close to buttoning now and it infuriates me that I let myself get to this the point where 98% of the clothes I own don't fit and I'm getting to the point where I'd rather wear sweatpants than jeans because I feel like a whale wearing jeans! and at 22 years old I should be rocking jeans not sweatpants! just saying. So, to finally get to the whole point of this post I am desperately looking for someone on here to help me out, to guide me, and hold me accountable, to kick my butt and to not take any crap or excuses from me. I want someone that can help me figure out what exercises I need to be doing to get the results I want, what I should be eating and what I should cut out of my diet! I need someone that is going to check in on me everyday whether by text or personal email (whoever volunteers for this I will give info to after) that way I will be held accountable every single day and will have someone constantly supporting and motivating me every step of the way. I know I can get personal trainer locally but they are expensive and I do not have the money for that :( so if someone out there would be kind enough and committed enough to help me on my journey please reply to this and let me know because I'm ready to stop making excuses and get serious! Please only reply if you are serious about wanting to help me out with I said I know I sound needy but I really need someone who can stick with me through this everyday and tell me what needs to be done and how! Thanks everyone:) Looking forward to a reply soon hopefully.


  • blcotton
    hmmmm??? I'm starting to think I may have scared people off with this post rather than getting more supportive friends to really help me out and check in on me everyday!!!!??? where's everyone at?
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Look, you need to be responsible for you because no other individual can do more than you to change you. Find what motivates you and use it. Be honest with yourself.

    As for information, the following thread is an excellent source and I wish I had something like this when I started. I'm sorry, but personal trainers are often fountains of misinformation and bad advice. Some (the ones with degrees and who know their stuff) are very good but they can be very hard to find.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    So you're asking for a personal trainer to give you an entire plan and check on your every single day to make sure that you're sticking to it because you can't be held responsible for yourself, and you want this for free? I'm sorry honey, but chances are it's not going to happen.

    1) Read through the link above
    2) Make the decision to be responsible for yourself. You're an adult so put on your big girl panties a be accountable to yourself.
    3) Find friends on here for support, they are here to support you in your goals. Finding friends with similar goals and limitations will give you resources to talk out issues and concerns.
    4) Keep your diary and be honest
    5) Log in every day (or nearly)
    6) Set reasonable goals and then strive to achieve them.