
ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Is anyone else having trouble drinking their eight glasses a day? I've been struggling with this for such a long time! I'm not a big drinker of anything, water, soda, juice... whatever. I know drinking with meals helps me to drink more. I have to remind myself a lot that I should be drinking more water. If I do drink what I should be I'm headed to the bathroom every 30 mins to an hour! Any suggestions?

Thanks, as always!:happy:


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Peeing a lot comes with it... but guess what, that's water weight you're losing. When you don't drink water, your body thinks it's thirsty so it holds on. Definitely drink that water! I used to only be able to get maybe 60-some odd ounces per day when it's recommended for my weight to drink 83 ... but then an apartment rep came into my bank & gave us a free water bottle...that's 24 oz!! It's SO easy for me to drink now. I drink at least 3 of those at work and 1 1/2-2 at the gym. I leave it in my car so I remember it everyday. I forgot today :( The cups we have at work are 12 ounces so I've made it. I thought they were 8 before so it seemed daunting to be able to get so much water.

    Just get yourself a big bottle and have at it. You'll find it's easier 'cause it takes longer to drink so you're not up every 5 minutes to refill and you know you're getting 3 8 oz. glasses! :) I like the water bottle better because my water doesn't stay as ice cold as in these cups we have and isn't so harsh on my teeth.
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    With regards to the bathroom trips I got nothing I'm collection frequetn flyer miles with my bathroom here at work.

    Tips to get more water consumption. I have heard that if you take a sip of water between your forkfuls/spoonfuls/bites you will not only get more water consumption but that you will feel fuller faster than if you eat and then wait to drink your water after your meal.

    Also like I talked about on my blog, I just keep my water infront of me all day between the computer monitor and me. Keeping a straw in it to make it just that much easier to drink.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    You're going to get a lot of different answers on this one. And while some people subscribe to the 8 cups of water a day rule hard and fast and don't budge - it's really not necessary.

    While drinking a lot of water and staying hydrated is good both for you and your weight, the Mayo Clinic's advice is that the amount of water each person needs is different for everyone. It varies based on the climate you live in (really hot = more sweat and more water needed), your personal perspiration levels and what types of food you eat (diets high in lettuce, fish, etc hydrate you more).

    So - their advice is to go by whether or not you are thirsty and the color of your urine. If it's a light straw color or lighter and you are rarely thirsty, then you are good to go. Be that at 6 glasses or 8 or even 10.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    No problems here. I have a 30 oz mug that I fill, and chug till it's gone. I don't move away from sink until it's done with. When I finish, I refill, and sip through it. When that one's done, I chug-a-lug again. I'm often at 90-120 oz by the end of the day, easy peasy.
    One should be drinking half their weight in ounces, not 8 glasses a day.

    Your body will eventually adjust to the influx after a couple weeks and you won't have to go to the bathroom as much. If you're urine isn't clear, you're not drinking enough!
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    I drink ice tea or green tea when I cant down the 8 ounces daily. SUGARFREE. So no calories, no sugar, just some sodium. It really helps. Water while working out and meals, icetea/greentea during the day. The little bit more of flavor helps.

  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    I have to pee like 20 times before bed. I know, water sucks because its all I drink and at least like...12 a day most days. But it's worth it
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Thanks for the advise everyone!

    Miranda- Love the straw idea... I know that will help! Why didn't I think of that!?
  • tk0709
    tk0709 Posts: 2 Member
    crystal lights is my secret!!!!! i drink so much water with them mixed in. also, inexpensive and very easy, squeeze a lemon in your water and a pack of you favorite low cal sweetner. at restaurants just order a glass of water and ask for a lemon wedge. ... hope this helps!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    And really, your body makes you pee that much until it gets used to you drinking that water. Then you don't have to go so often. That's what I've found anyway.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    And really, your body makes you pee that much until it gets used to you drinking that water. Then you don't have to go so often. That's what I've found anyway.

    That is great news!!!!!!! I pretty much feel like I have to pee again right after I've peed!
  • Shanaf
    Shanaf Posts: 2
    I find that I can consume more water when I drink it at room temperature. Some weight loss programs will argue that you burn more calories if you drink cold water since your body has to work to heat it up. A good rule of thumb for how much water you should drink is to drink 1/2 your weight in ounces. Example, if you currently weigh 160 lbs, you should consume 80 ounces of water per day. I agree that adding some Crystal light or Emergen-C powder can help increase consumption as it may taste better but I found that once I dedicated myself to drinking water and green tea as my only beverage choices, I began to love and crave the taste of plain ol water. :)

    1. Your body needs the water to lose the weight and to flush out those fat cells.
    2. Drink half your weight in ounces

    Good luck to everyone on meeting your goals!
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    I tried a water bottle and always forgot to fill it up. But a while ago hubby bought me a hard plastic Starbucks cup. It is like the cups they use for their cold drinks but plastic, reusable, with a screw on lid and a straw that doesn't come out. I keep that on my desk and find that I'm more apt to fill that up when it empties than I was with a water bottle. I agree...I think it is the straw. I kinda forget how much I'm drinking that way.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    And really, your body makes you pee that much until it gets used to you drinking that water. Then you don't have to go so often. That's what I've found anyway.

    That is great news!!!!!!! I pretty much feel like I have to pee again right after I've peed!

    this is true. I used to wake up every 1-2 hours at night to go pee before and now I notice that I get up every 3-4 hours now so its getting better. I drink my water all the way up until I go to bed and then I take some crystal light or caffeine free diet pepsi to bed with me in case I get thirsty during the night. For me, water has to be ice cold or I can't drink it but I can drink room temperature crystal light or diet pepsi without a problem.
    Guess you can say I have a very sensitive gag reflex!!!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    All this talk about water and now I got to pee.
    I usually go through a 2 bottles of water while working out just by taking a drink or 2 between each set when lifting weights or doing my core run. If I am doing cardio I drink half a bottle before I start and drink the rest through out my session.
  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
    crystal lights is my secret!!!!! i drink so much water with them mixed in. also, inexpensive and very easy, squeeze a lemon in your water and a pack of you favorite low cal sweetner. at restaurants just order a glass of water and ask for a lemon wedge. ... hope this helps!

    During the summer putting a couple of fresh mint leaves into a bottle of water and freezing it for the next day is nice as well. I sometimes have a frozen minty bottle and then a regular bottle going at the same time!

    Also sunbrewed fruit or herb tea with lemon! I used to make it on my window, but now I have a deck that gets good afternoon sun - So I am going to give it a shot out there this summer.
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i have a hard time getting all my water in still to. and i pee like crazy even without hitting my water goal lol!

    what i've done to make it easier is:

    I drink 1 mug of warm water (my mugs are 160z each) in the morning with my breakfast
    I drink 1 mug of ice water with my dinner

    then during the day i have 32oz water bottle that i drink out of. anytime i'm in the kitchen i open the fridge and drink a bit or anytime i walk past the fridge. and drinking it during exercise works well cause i get really thirsty.
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