Now what ??

Hello fellow dieters,

Ok, I have just checked out my TDEE and BMR (finally) and I want to know if this is correct as it's so confusing :blushing:

I have checked a couple of sites and they are roughly the same.

One site said BMR = 1784 and TDEE = 2454
So, I gather that I subtract 20% from 2454 which is 1963 (I hope thats correct)

Another site said Maintenence = 2461 cals daily. Weight loss = 1969 cals daily and Extreme weight loss = 1472 cals daily.

There seems to be only a matter of a few cals between them.

I have my MFP set at 1450 cals daily. So is this TDEE telling me that I should now be eating aproximately 1963 cals a day to lose weight ???

Yes, I am still hungry on eating 1450 (some days a bit less) but I am concerned that if I eat 1963 cals a day, I am going to put on weight !!!

Please, please, please on bended knees can you help me ?

Thank you


Annie xxxxxxx


  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I love the calculators on ... you can find your TDEE on that site and than manually subtract calories from it. When you eat based on TDEE you should be factoring in your exercise into it and therefore not eating back exercise calories unless your net would be below your BMR.

    Try eating the 1900 calorie number you got. Don't get on the scale for a few weeks as an increase of calories will cause you to hold onto water weight. The only way you will gain actual fat is if you eat above your TDEE. Eating more, at least for me, works much better. I lose weight and I'm eating enough, not tired, not hungry and I have a better chance of retaining more muscle than going for too high of a deficit.

    If you want to keep eating your 1400 number.. eat your exercise calories back. Also ensure you are filling up on protein, fiber and healthy fats along with water to keep you feeling full, for longer.
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    Think long-term success. It doesn't sound like you're very happy eating 1450 calories (I wouldn't be either!) so set up a program that you can live with.

    I think the 1900 goal is reasonable. Maybe a little lower, like 1800. I'm 6'2" and was 250 pounds, and I ate about 1800 calories many days - and was not hungry. I worked out hard, burning at least 500 calories a day (6 days a week) at the gym. I did not eat any of those exercise calories back. I aimed for 1800 calories in and then burned as many as I could.

    I know people who aim for "extreme weight loss" like 2-3 pounds a week and end up failing because they can't maintain that level. But if you aim for 1 pound a week and consistently come under that goal, you'll lose 2 pounds a week some weeks, feel great about meeting your goal and be comfortable with your program - so you can stick with it long-term.

    Hope that helps!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You're probably still hungry on 1450 because it's below your BMR, less than what a doctor would give you if you were in a coma.

    Food is fuel! Eat too little and you give the body a reason to store fat rather than burn it. Sounds like your numbers are corret at TDEE minus 20% - I'd set the goal to 1963, and if you figured your exercise into your activity level to get that number, then don't eat exercise cals back (unless you burn a LOT on any given day and your net is below your BMR).

    I'm losing on 1800 a day - it works. I'm not hungry, I have energy for workouts and daily life, and I'm dropping fat and inches. This is the thread I used to calculate my info and set my goals - lots of good info there, and advice and support:

    There is also a group for it for more success stories and inspriation:
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Eat about 1900 and call it a day
  • You're probably still hungry on 1450 because it's below your BMR, less than what a doctor would give you if you were in a coma.

    Food is fuel! Eat too little and you give the body a reason to store fat rather than burn it. Sounds like your numbers are corret at TDEE minus 20% - I'd set the goal to 1963, and if you figured your exercise into your activity level to get that number, then don't eat exercise cals back (unless you burn a LOT on any given day and your net is below your BMR).

    I'm losing on 1800 a day - it works. I'm not hungry, I have energy for workouts and daily life, and I'm dropping fat and inches. This is the thread I used to calculate my info and set my goals - lots of good info there, and advice and support:

    There is also a group for it for more success stories and inspriation:

    Hey there :) Just wondering if you eat 1800 a day without eating exercise calories back?? Thanks!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I don't eat exercise cals back unless I'm still hungry, or if my net for the day is under my BMR - the 1800 goal includes my activity level of moderately active (I exercise typically 6 days a week, three strength days, three run days, average about 50 minutes per workout). Usually I just eat to 1800, sometimes, I land in the 1700's, sometimes 1900's, depends. My diary is open, feel free to have a look.
  • I don't eat exercise cals back unless I'm still hungry, or if my net for the day is under my BMR - the 1800 goal includes my activity level of moderately active (I exercise typically 6 days a week, three strength days, three run days, average about 50 minutes per workout). Usually I just eat to 1800, sometimes, I land in the 1700's, sometimes 1900's, depends. My diary is open, feel free to have a look.

    Thanks so much :)
  • Thanks ladies.

    My MFP is now set at 1680 cals. I don't know how to set it manually (NOT very computer literate. If it's not a washing machine or tumble dryer, I have no hope !! hahaha), but I will know I can go just over as long as I log it !!

    No wonder I'm flipping starving :blushing:

    Just hope the weight doesn't go ON. You just end up thinking mentally that if you eat a bit more than the standard 1200 cals set by MFP you're going to lose weight !! Maybe not.

    Thanks again

    Annie xxx
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Thanks ladies.

    My MFP is now set at 1680 cals. I don't know how to set it manually (NOT very computer literate. If it's not a washing machine or tumble dryer, I have no hope !! hahaha), but I will know I can go just over as long as I log it !!

    No wonder I'm flipping starving :blushing:

    Just hope the weight doesn't go ON. You just end up thinking mentally that if you eat a bit more than the standard 1200 cals set by MFP you're going to lose weight !! Maybe not.

    Thanks again

    Annie xxx

    I ran your numbers and came up with about 1700 to lose weight, so yeah, 1680 is right around there.

    You can manually change your settings if you go to the "My Home" tab at the top of the page, then click on "Goals," then choose change goals/custom.

    Also, do eat back your exercise calories, because those create an even bigger deficit over the one that you already have, In other words, if you eat 1700 cals and exercise off 500, that would be exactly the same as if you were only eating 1200 to begin with. You can't trust your hunger hormones if you are eating at a deficit, so go by the numbers as much as possible.

    Finally, you may want to just increase your calories by 200 a week until you get where you want to be, just to ease into it. You may see a slight weight gain initially, but the weight will start to come off after that.
  • Thank you


    Annie xxx