looking for like minded fitness pals!

Hi there!

My name is Nicole... I joined here on my original account in December 2010, but have left and come back due to life events. I am looking for new friends... I'm actually very active on this site (I'm actually specifically making time to be) and am looking for people who are the same! Boys, girls, ladies, gents, others.... it doesn't matter :)

A little about me and my journey:
I'm 25 years old and currently reside in Calgary, AB Canada (AKA my personal not-happy place). I'm a banker (the one with the office in the back... haha), which means I basically sit in a chair all day at work. When I started losing weight I was somewhere between 175-190 pounds (you know when you're in denial so you won't weigh in no matter how badly you probably should? I was there). In July 2012, I decided enough was enough. Since then I've lost roughly 30-40 pounds (I'm currently sitting at 150, and I'm 5'4"). I'm about 26... 27 pounds from my goal, and I definitely need that last push to get there. I work out 5-6 days a week (cardio and strength training) and right now I am focusing more on portion control than anything else, but I am putting a solid effort to eat healthier as well.
I like to think that, outside of health and fitness, I'm a pretty average girl. I like to hang out with the few friends I have in Calgary, go on sunshiney vacations and road trips, etc. etc.

Please don't hesitate to "friend request" me and tell me a bit about yourself if you think we might get along. The more the merrier!

(also, thanks for taking the time to read my mini novel ;))
