Starving all day after morning workout



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Today was much better. Having those extra calories just from the milk alone really helped. Also, choosing foods that are filling and lower in calories like bananas and yogurt really made a difference. I got hungry but had the calories there to EAT. :blushing: :blushing:

    yey! I'm glad we cud help. I feel important well really wise now. hahaha
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi adac1977. At first glance of your diary, I see a lot of high-calorie meats (beefs, pork, sausage). This is one area where you could make some substitutions and save tons of calories. Basically...chicken instead of beef or veggies only, no meat. I rarely eat beef (not really on purpose) and try to stick to about 300-400 calories per meal, with anything leftover going towards snacks (or the occasional margarita!). I've posted this before, but one hearty, easy lunch is a sandwich with 2 slices whole grain bread, sliced deli turkey, thick slices of tomato (a whole roma), sliced pickles, and mustard. If you want, you could add a little guacamole. This baby (believe it or not) is only around 325 calories! Or, I make a HUGE salad from a salad bar with tons of veggies (no cheese or croutons and easy on the dressing) for around 425 calories. I'm stuffed after either of these meals.

    Good luck to you.

    I promise I'm not trying to disagree with you mrssuejones--I just know that for me personally...if a lifestyle change is going to work, I can't deprive myself--otherwise its more like a diet. Meats are healthy, its just how much we eat that can be a problem. I can't deprive myself of foods I enjoy, plus I need the natural protein to help me recover from my hard exercises. From experience in talking with my nutritionist & dietician....I do know that eating natural protein from meats is preferred over protein shakes and things like that. The only thing that we need to watch is the serving sizes, and making sure the meat is in its natural form (not breaded) & without the skin and fat.

    Adac----The only thing I would make sure to watch is the serving size. The thing that has saved my life is a food scale. I weigh my meat for every meal, just because I don't trust myself eye-balling it. And each type of meat is different. A serving size for meat is about 3-4oz. I also am sure to weigh my cheese. I'm a cheese-lover and serving of 1oz of cheese is definitely less than you would think! But I bought a little cheap scale at K-Mart and it is perfect!!

    I also agree that loading up on veggies can definitely help keep you full longer, plus not to mention its good for your body! All the vitamins and antioxidants :)

    So glad you are able to eat more by making some slight changes in your diet!! It will come natural :)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I exercise on an empty stomach in the morning and have a decent sized breakfast afterwards (under 400 calories). I also keep hard boiled eggs on hand at work for a snack if I'm really hungry. A hard boiled egg is only about 80 calories and you get a nice amount of protein and fat to keep your body happy and your stomach occupied!

    1 Tbsp of peanut butter also goes a long way to filling me up!
  • adac1977
    adac1977 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi adac1977. At first glance of your diary, I see a lot of high-calorie meats (beefs, pork, sausage). This is one area where you could make some substitutions and save tons of calories. Basically...chicken instead of beef or veggies only, no meat. I rarely eat beef (not really on purpose) and try to stick to about 300-400 calories per meal, with anything leftover going towards snacks (or the occasional margarita!). I've posted this before, but one hearty, easy lunch is a sandwich with 2 slices whole grain bread, sliced deli turkey, thick slices of tomato (a whole roma), sliced pickles, and mustard. If you want, you could add a little guacamole. This baby (believe it or not) is only around 325 calories! Or, I make a HUGE salad from a salad bar with tons of veggies (no cheese or croutons and easy on the dressing) for around 425 calories. I'm stuffed after either of these meals.

    Good luck to you.

    I promise I'm not trying to disagree with you mrssuejones--I just know that for me personally...if a lifestyle change is going to work, I can't deprive myself--otherwise its more like a diet. Meats are healthy, its just how much we eat that can be a problem. I can't deprive myself of foods I enjoy, plus I need the natural protein to help me recover from my hard exercises. From experience in talking with my nutritionist & dietician....I do know that eating natural protein from meats is preferred over protein shakes and things like that. The only thing that we need to watch is the serving sizes, and making sure the meat is in its natural form (not breaded) & without the skin and fat.

    Adac----The only thing I would make sure to watch is the serving size. The thing that has saved my life is a food scale. I weigh my meat for every meal, just because I don't trust myself eye-balling it. And each type of meat is different. A serving size for meat is about 3-4oz. I also am sure to weigh my cheese. I'm a cheese-lover and serving of 1oz of cheese is definitely less than you would think! But I bought a little cheap scale at K-Mart and it is perfect!!

    I also agree that loading up on veggies can definitely help keep you full longer, plus not to mention its good for your body! All the vitamins and antioxidants :)

    So glad you are able to eat more by making some slight changes in your diet!! It will come natural :)

    OK so, I looked back and yes I have to watch out for high fat meats(sausage ;( ....) I like to make small changes so I dont feel all this pressure to be perfect. Now that I've changed the milk and added yogurt I will make changes to less fatty meats. Then maybe I can start weighing things. I love that everyone is so helpful. I workout hard so I can EAT, hahahaha but don't want my efforts to be for nothing. This has been a lifestyle change for me and its been slow. I have lost 65lbs so far. It took me 1 & 1/2 years to do it and I have kept it off for 2 & 1/2 years. Now its just these last 15lbs.....the hardest it seems. Now if I can figure out how to keep it up on the weekends, hee hee hee