On my third week and already wanting to give up

I am always great at helping others stay on track... I just can't apply it to myself. Motivation and keeping me honest and responsible about what I eat is what I need.

And if you need help, feel free to add me too!

~We can all do this together!


  • jessnchris
    I am also on my 3rd week of this weightloss journey and it has been super hard for me as well. I love to eat everything that is bad for me and I cant stay motivated to exersise I started a new diet where I eat what the list says for 3 days and then eat what I want for 4. My foods for the 3 days is in my diary for days tues weds and thurs so feel free to check it out I have lost 7lbs in 2 weeks and had a ton of mess ups on my 4 days off but I have found it is the only thing that has helped me lose weight that I can stick to. Feel free to add me I try my hardest to motivate all my friends.
  • simplehijinks
    Thanks so much for that! I find that I have a real problem with portion control because I eat really quickly. The faster I eat, the more I eat because I don't "feel full" but then feel bloated. I'm starting to work harder on that. I also found out in the last three weeks, I *really* don't know any healthy recipes or the motivation to cook the ones I have found. Laziness will be the death of this diet.

    I really like your 3 days on 4 days off idea. I may give that a try instead of trying to do it all at once!
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Hi. First off, well done for starting! That's the most important bit done.
    I've been on mfp for over a year, tho I started losing weight about 4 years ago. I needed healthier motivated continuation.
    I empathise with the giving up, frequently get there myself. But take every day as it comes, and look upon it as a fresh start. Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say.
    As to eating quickly, my best thought on this is to load your plate with veg or salad. I can eat a huge portion of either, feel really satisfied, and still be under 200 calories.
    Best of luck. You'll get there, I'm sure. :flowerforyou:
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    First off...what works for me may not work for you.

    I like to keep things simple. I'm not concerned about ANYTHING but net calories for the week. I don't care how much carbohydrate, sugar, fat, or salt food has.....JUST CALORIES. It's a simple mathematical formula. If you burn more than you take in...YOU'LL LOSE WEIGHT. That way I can eat ANYTHING I want.

    Next....this is a SLOW LOSS PLAN. One MUST be patient. If you go by MFP's recommendation one pound/week loss is EXCELLENT!

    Just keep thinking that a year from now you'll weigh 52 POUNDS LESS!!!! You didn't gain all the weight overnight....you shouldn't try to lose it all overnight.

    Good luck!
  • 20ever
    20ever Posts: 125 Member
    Click me if you like......I am up for some motivation!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    don't give up!!!!!
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    You started, That's step one done. You've completed three weeks! Better than Some!

    Keep at it and you'll get where you want to be. Just put your head down and get it done!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    It's taken me over two years to lose 24 pounds .... I don't give up. Some times I have bad days and weeks, and it takes a lot of determination to decide to get back to the habits I know are best. But I don't give up. Ever. Even if it takes me a decade to reach my goals, it's better than giving up and never getting there.

    Just decide you're more important than giving up. It's really that easy.
  • BigG1978
    BigG1978 Posts: 54 Member
    I like others have felt exactly the same, as I'm sure you have too before.

    I try to remain focussed and stop to think why I'm doing this in the first place and ask myself has that changed?

    Around 99.99% of the time it hasn't and those thoughts allow me to get through those bad patches so to speak. Always re-visit your goals and WHY you set out on the journey in the first place, it's usually the biggest motivator you have.

    Good luck and please don't give up - YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • Bibianna2012
    Bibianna2012 Posts: 88 Member
    your doing great..you made it to week 3! much better than me..Im back to day 2! dont fall off-- keep it up!
  • lessofkimberly
    lessofkimberly Posts: 98 Member
    Dont quit! It took a long time for most of us to get to the place we were, so you cant expect to lose it all overnight. There will be bumps in the road, just get back up and keep moving forward. You already lost 8# in 3 weeks. Great job!
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    It takes... 6-8 weeks to make something a habit! Dont give up... you are almost there. it wont seem like such a chore. And more like a habit.

    everyone has bad days and good days. Dont let one bad day rob you from your goals.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    If it feels overwhelming because it's too many changes at once, start with just one change. (ex - staying within calories, eat whatever you like). When you feel that's easy, then it's time to add another change.

    I've been here almost a year, adding one change at a time. It's less overwhelming, easier to make the changes into new habits, and it works.
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    On my third week as well...my problem was portion control. I don't care how much clean food you eat if you eat too much of it you will still be overweight. MFP has really helped me cut down on my portions and I have ramped up the cardio portion of my exercise program(was doing straight strength and tone) and am down 13 pounds as of last weigh-in, am also a 3 week non-smoker as of today. WE CAN DO THIS!

    Feel free to add as friend, we can use all the support we can get!
  • Ready4Change05
    I know exactly how you feel. I am great at motivating and helping others with exercising but when it comes to me and actually exercising myself it lacks. I go to school full time and work so my schedule is pretty busy. I am now on 25 days of working out and finally able to give myself the motivation. If you would like to add me, you can maybe I can help you out with some motivation. You got this but don't give up. It is hard but it is so worth it in the end!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Also - skinnytaste.com - lots of great recipes that are well explained. Tasty too.
  • dstuttgen
    Hey, my third week too.(Yea us!) I see you have already lost weight, that's fantastic. I carry my lunch to work and it is stuffed with veggies (usually 4-5 servings) plus my tuna and whole wheat Wasa bread. All those veggies take me a lot of time to chew chew chew. I used to eat my lunch and then have 15 - 20 minutes to just chill but now I use the whole 30 minutes to chew.
    Maybe if you incorporate some more chew intensive foods you will be able to slow down as you eat and give your fill indicator a chance to kick in. Anyway, congrats on the 8 lbs lost and keep up the great work.

    Ciao, Dan
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Getting started is the hardest part. You've accomplished that.

    One thing that I did that worked for me is I only cooked a portion for each person in the household, so a portion of something was all I got to eat. If it isn't cooked and not on the plate, you can't eat it. In the time it takes to get up and cook another portion, the feeling of being sated starts to kick in, and you are less inclined to eat more. Plus it saves money on groceries because the fridge isn't clogged with leftovers that you either graze on or toss because nobody eats them.

    Fill the house with snack vegetables and fruits, such as cut up raw broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, grapes, and fat free yogurt and cottage cheese. These will curb your appetite. The veggies won't add much in calories between meals, but they will fill you until your next meal. You'll also get more of your micronutrients. Cottage cheese and yogurt have more calories, but adding the punch of protein in the morning or mid-morning will keep you from midday snacking.

    Wishing you the best.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    It's taken me over two years to lose 24 pounds .... I don't give up. Some times I have bad days and weeks, and it takes a lot of determination to decide to get back to the habits I know are best. But I don't give up. Ever. Even if it takes me a decade to reach my goals, it's better than giving up and never getting there.

    Just decide you're more important than giving up. It's really that easy.

    Thank you for that...
  • MelanieMamaof5
    MelanieMamaof5 Posts: 75 Member
    One day at a time friend. Just take one day at a time. The key is to finding just a few low calorie foods that you really like. Try replacing "bad" with good. For instance, instead of dressing on a salad, try cottage cheese. It's really REALLY tasty.

    Google "skinny" recipes and you will find a ton. I need to add a TON of recipes to my blog but you can check out a few here http://somethingalittlepretty.blogspot.com/p/recipes.html.

    The key is this. Don't give up and decide now what you want more. Do you want to be skinny/healthy, or do you want that "insert food here". When you have cravings for something not so good, drink a glass of water, pop in a piece of gum, and find something CONSTRUCTIVE to distract yourself with.