Is organic milk really better?



  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    organic=brat Love it!
    Quite frankly all the moms I've seen who have fed their kids ANYTHIING organic seem to be spoiled brats with behavioral problems. Now, whether this is related or not I don't know but I just don't think the food tastes different so I buy regular food to save my family money!
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    There are plenty places to calcium that isn't milk.

    But, there isn't another place to cheese.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    If you don't like them drinking milk then why "must" they? Milk is really no better a source of calcium than spinach or other leafy greens. Why do you think cows milk is so full of calcium? Because they eat greens. And these days most dairy cows DON'T eat greens so their milk is refortified with calcium in which case you might as well skip that fattening cows milk and give them almond milk as well.

    How is cows milk "fattening"... no single food is fattening. Fats are actually good for your body in moderation.

    Personally I would go for regular milk over almond milk. More protein and good fats.

    perhaps "fattening" was a poor choice in words. you are correct no single food is fattenting but if whole milk is drank in abundance then yes that is fattening. Perhaps a better choice in words would be "cholesterol filled"

    It would only be "fattening" if you drank enough to bring you over maintance calories.

    I don't buy whole milk but the 1% that I have barely has any cholesterol in it.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    perhaps "fattening" was a poor choice in words. you are correct no single food is fattenting but if whole milk is drank in abundance then yes that is fattening. Perhaps a better choice in words would be "cholesterol filled"

    Dietary cholesterol has no impact on serum cholesterol for most people.
  • thedescentofhope
    thedescentofhope Posts: 118 Member
    The whole idea of 'organic' is just another marketing piece of crap being sold to gullible city ponces. I personally think it's ridiculous you spend extra on organic milk LOL.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    If you don't like them drinking milk then why "must" they? Milk is really no better a source of calcium than spinach or other leafy greens. Why do you think cows milk is so full of calcium? Because they eat greens. And these days most dairy cows DON'T eat greens so their milk is refortified with calcium in which case you might as well skip that fattening cows milk and give them almond milk as well.

    How is cows milk "fattening"... no single food is fattening. Fats are actually good for your body in moderation.

    Personally I would go for regular milk over almond milk. More protein and good fats.

    perhaps "fattening" was a poor choice in words. you are correct no single food is fattenting but if whole milk is drank in abundance then yes that is fattening. Perhaps a better choice in words would be "cholesterol filled"
    First of all spinach isn't absorbed buy the body very well, making one of the worst sources of calcium and consuming vegetable oil in abundance can be fattening and dietary cholesterol has almost no impact on serum cholesterol. This sounds like the dogma pitch of vegetarian websites where people are primed to believe, as opposed to research.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Let the milk hating begin.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I'd be concerned about the hormones and stuff in regular milk. But I'd also have everyone in the house on the same milk. There is no reason for anyone to drink fat-free or reduced fat anything, period. Animal fats, especially from organic, grass fed products are very healthy.

    I raised my son into a healthy and physically fit young guy without milk or milk substitutes. You honestly don't NEED to give children cow's milk for any real reason. Think about why a human might possibly NEED the milk of some other animal....really. What other animal in the world needs some other animal's milk to survive and grow? If you want to give them milk, and if they like it, that's a whole different thing. But they will grow and be perfectly healthy without it, I swear. My son is a very athletic guy--in his final years of studying professional ballet, so he dances about 6 hrs a day, and has danced that much on a daily basis since he was 11 years old. He's nearly 18 now. All without milk or milk substitutes.
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Why are you buying organic and making it the fat-free variety? If it's organic, it's loaded with fat that is vitamin rich in the form of Vitamin A and K2. Fat-free organic versions are not worth anything. If you do organic, you're taking out the growth hormones and antibiotics, so yes it's worth it, but for all the health reasons, leave the fat in it.
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    My take. Anything that comes from an animal that is treated better, walked better, less crap injected into them, has GOT to be better, if for anything else the animal. I'll spend an extra $.50 and hope that my money tells companies what I want.
  • tarasheehan1
    Organic anything is better than the non-organic equivalent -- it's not necessarily better *nutritionally* but better for the body due to the care taken to avoid pesticides, unnecessary antibiotics, and so on. We are exposed to so much pollution and toxic substances as it is, so any opportunity to limit exposure is a big benefit in my mind.

    It's also much better for the environment. I made sure the last bedsheets I bought were organic cotton, and not because I thought regular cotton sheets would be toxic to me in anyway. But the more we buy organic, the more pesticides we're keeping out of our air and water.

    As you can tell, I'm pretty biased in this regard. :-)

    Completely agree. I work for a fair trade cafe that uses locally organic food INCLUDING milk. I don't mind spending the extra $2.00 to drink a milk that tastes better, has less pesticides AND is bought locally therefore supporting our local farmers. My daughter drinks full fat milk (3.25%) because they are GOOD fats!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Let the milk hating begin.

    That does seem to be where this is headed. *gets popcorn*
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    ANother thing to think about when you decide on organic milk or regular milk is a lot of people choose organic so you are not consuming the growth hormone that cows are given to increase milk production. Studies have shown that the acid and digestive enzymes we have will kill the growth hormone and thus posing no issue to humans.

    It all comes down to a personal choice. No one is right or wrong based on which they feel is better.
  • LizCO2DC
    LizCO2DC Posts: 92 Member
    I definitely think so. Besides the fact that it tastes better and lasts longer than regular milk, it doesn't have the crazy hormones that normal milk is full of. Antibiotics and hormones that normal cows are fed goes straight to their milk and into your and your children's bodies. If I had kids, I know I wouldn't want to feed them normal milk.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    If you don't like them drinking milk then why "must" they? Milk is really no better a source of calcium than spinach or other leafy greens. Why do you think cows milk is so full of calcium? Because they eat greens. And these days most dairy cows DON'T eat greens so their milk is refortified with calcium in which case you might as well skip that fattening cows milk and give them almond milk as well.

    How is cows milk "fattening"... no single food is fattening. Fats are actually good for your body in moderation.

    Personally I would go for regular milk over almond milk. More protein and good fats.

    perhaps "fattening" was a poor choice in words. you are correct no single food is fattenting but if whole milk is drank in abundance then yes that is fattening. Perhaps a better choice in words would be "cholesterol filled"
    First of all spinach isn't absorbed buy the body very well, making one of the worst sources of calcium and consuming vegetable oil in abundance can be fattening and dietary cholesterol has almost no impact on serum cholesterol. This sounds like the dogma pitch of vegetarian websites where people are primed to believe, as opposed to research.

    True, spinach and other leafy greens are better absorbed when pared with vitamine C....yes, consuiming anything in abundance can be fattening which is why I said fattening was a poor choice of words. In healthy individuals with a healthy dietary cholesterol does have little impact on serum cholesterol but dietary cholesterol is the one way that we have any control whatsoever over our serum cholesterol....all of that aside, I'm simply pointing out that the OP mentioned she would rather her kids not drink milk but "if they must..." so I'm saying it's not something they "must" do. Pleanty of people do just fine without milk
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I have our milk deliverded from a local dairy. It's very fresh, delicious, no BHG, and competitively priced.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I don't think so but I also drink 2-3 gallons a week and prefer to pay 3 bucks a gallon as opposed to 5-6 bucks a half gallon.... lol..... Best of Luck
  • shellbatronic
    Honestly, some people worry about the hormones and stuff that can be given to cows when you buy "regular" milk. We go through a lot of milk in our house and I don't buy organic. I do buy a local brand that uses no growth hormones on their cattle, though. It's much cheaper than buying organic.

    That's my thing, the hormones. I buy from local dairies that don't use hormones, I believe one of the farms is organic and the other is not, but I'm not a stickler on that as long as they are not given hormones. "Mass market" organics can be tricky business.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I started by organic milk for my boys years ago and we learned that for one of my son's it made a difference with some allergies or something. He's not at stuffy anymore. Could be coincedental, but that's why I switched.

    I buy my boys organic, I buy 2% Lactaid milk for my husband, and Non-fat Lactaid, but mostly coconut milk for myself. Usually, that's about $12 a week.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    In healthy individuals with a healthy dietary cholesterol does have little impact on serum cholesterol but dietary cholesterol is the one way that we have any control whatsoever over our serum cholesterol..

    Just no...