I'm new here;D

Hi everyone, I'm new in my fitness pal and I have the commitment to reach y goals. I want be healthy and feeling healthy. I want to start a new life. I desire when my kids look at me see a beautiful and healthy mom. Also, I want to be a good example for them. I want to enjoy my summers and avoid thousands excuses to avoid water parks or anything related to wear a swimming suit. I want to take a tons of picture of me and my kids. My inspirations are 1)Start a new a life. 2)Healthy life. 3)My kids- they want to see a skinny and healthy mom. 4)To fit in the cloths that I really like. That's everything about me for now.

Right now I have just a one friend. If anyone wants to join me in to my new journey and motivate each other to reach our goals send me a friend request.

Good luck to everyone in reach your goals.
