Bad boys



    VTXJOCKEY Posts: 362 Member
    I'd rather have a good man who's good to me but has bad boy tendencies/an edge. So he's adventurous and into being naughty but only with me :)

    Kinda makes sense?

    Makes perfect sense!!
    VTXJOCKEY Posts: 362 Member
    if you have to ask, you're doing it wrong.

    That wasnt the intent of the question.....
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I'd rather have a good man who's good to me but has bad boy tendencies/an edge. So he's adventurous and into being naughty but only with me :)

    Kinda makes sense?

    It makes perfect sense, I like good guys, I'm big on character and truthfulness.
  • Fun + Confidence = Babes

    If you can cook, play piano and do the romantic thing then you will have them swarming around you.


    you have pillow lips that make me want to lay down on them...
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    a man that will live on the edge and do ANYTHING ILLEGAL ONCE.
  • funforsports
    funforsports Posts: 2,656 Member
    It is all about the confidence and mystery. Bad boys tend to have a bit more of that.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    i left the toilet seat up.

    i don't even care.

    take that, ladies.

    Don't care either.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Just ignore the target female(s) and pretend not to like her/them. Then the b*tches will be all over you.
  • nornyb
    nornyb Posts: 224 Member
    Clearly you live on the edge......what's next? Taking the plastic bags off of dry cleaning before you hang it in the closet?
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    I'd rather have a good man who's good to me but has bad boy tendencies/an edge. So he's adventurous and into being naughty but only with me :)

    Kinda makes sense?

    Wish my ex had said that, instead she likes to be under watch 24/7 and to be shouted at, takes a 'bad *kitten*' to do that eh, her loss :)
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Bad enough to call me names but not bad enough to beat me into a bloody pulp for overcooking the pasta. No one actually wants a bad boy.
  • fmebear
    fmebear Posts: 172 Member
    Need to have me some bad boy.... OH did I just say that out loud? It is confidence .... a look that they have .... a swagger. I am not sure I could define it but I love me some.
  • Bad enough to call me names but not bad enough to beat me into a bloody pulp for overcooking the pasta. No one actually wants a bad boy.

    Agreed. That kind of bad boy is the reason I'm over bad boys.
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Jax Teller! Now THAT is a bad boy! DROOL
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    I don't know what a "bad boy" is. I have a male friend who always complains that "nice guys finish last" and "girls always go for the *kitten*". I can say that in *his* case he may be "nice" but he is very insecure and self-deprecating. And the guys that he is talking about are confident and assertive. I doubt the majority of girls want to date a "bad" boy in the sense of poor qualities and characteristics. I can only speak for myself and say that I like a "nice" and respectful guy who is confident, assertive, and a bit naughty :bigsmile:
  • mandipandi75
    mandipandi75 Posts: 6,035 Member
    I used to be into "bad boys". Not crazy guys, but bad. Now that I grew up... I'm not your mother. If they don't have their **** straight in their 30's+, they'd need not bother.
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    ME... that's who...
  • simplexserenity
    simplexserenity Posts: 116 Member
    I'd rather have a good man who's good to me but has bad boy tendencies/an edge. So he's adventurous and into being naughty but only with me :)

    Kinda makes sense?

    Wish my ex had said that, instead she likes to be under watch 24/7 and to be shouted at, takes a 'bad *kitten*' to do that eh, her loss :)

    I'm happy for you that she's your ex :)
  • FGVC1188
    FGVC1188 Posts: 122 Member
    i punched a chick once. Does that count?
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    a man that will live on the edge and do ANYTHING ILLEGAL ONCE.

    Sex with barnyard animals? Murder by chainsaw? Embezzling from a hospice for terminally ill kittens? Eating grapes in the market and not buying them?

    Ooooh, drunk driving. Nothing whets my whistle like a drunk driver. Call me, LiLo!