The Last Ten Pounds

kalmf Posts: 351 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I've got ten pounds to go to get back to a reasonable healthy weight, 122. I've weighed less than that, but I don't know if it would be healthy right now, so I'm sticking with the goal

I started MFP on Dec. 31st - lost very consistently, then hit a plateau, and now it's coming off in reallllly slow increments. I'm starting to get a little bored and distracted and unmotivated - which I know can really sabotage weight loss.

Any one else at that final stage before maintenance? And any words of wisdom from those who've successfully completed this phase?




  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Unfortunately, I don't have advice. I'm now almost at the weight I was when I first lost 30 lbs about 6 years ago. It was right about at this weight--in the home stretch to getting that super-lean look I wanted, that I became distracted and unmotivated as well. (Oh, and I also started graduate school, which threw a wrench in the process.)

    I've gone up and down about 10 lbs again and again in the past 6 years and I am really now wanting to get this last 10 off for good!

    I'm right there with you, but don't do what I did and give up at this point!
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    I currently weigh around 145-147 lbs. My BMI range for normal is from 106-143 I believe. I'm in a size 6/8 jeans and have a waist of 30 inches. I'd like to get down another ten pounds or so but I'm not as rigid about it anymore. I found myself getting obsessed with weight, food, etd. so decided to relax a bit. I was honestly getting concerned about my eating and potential for an eating disorder We'll see how this goes. I'm not counting every last calorie anymore as of a few days ago but I've still been eating healthy and exercising (for the most part- I had some Dairy Queen today...)
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Yes, the clothing sizes are a conundrum. i think I picked 122 because that's about where I stop being a 6 and start being a 4. Whacky that I could wear a 6 all the way up to 144. Not a pretty sight though!
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    Just a thought.. have you tried lowering your caloric intake? When you weigh less, you have to consume a little bit less to keep losing. Not sure what your intake is currently, but remember that as your body is getting closer to your goal, it takes a bit longer. Don't stop trying. If you are still going down, even after the plateau, keep at it. You will get there. Plus, if you give up now, you risk gaining back all that weight. It's a lifestyle change.. don't give up on your new lifestlye when you are so close. Remember how much work it took to get here and how long that journey was. Don't look back, but look forward. Maybe up your exercise a little bit (dont go overboard).
    Also, I am not sure what your BMI is, but I chose my goal number based on my BMI and where I would be in the middle of the healthy range. Don't focus so much on the number. It's just a number. Focus on how you feel in your body! Good luck and keep up the great work! You can do it!!!
  • mfegan
    mfegan Posts: 6
    I'm in the same boat, I was down to my last 10 pounds (until I went on a 10 vacation with too much wine and processed food!) My motivation right now is coming from Oxygen magazine and seeing the body I want. I was much smaller in high school and found I was too obsessed with the number that I wasn't really enjoying my food as I was counting every calorie and working out all the time. My ideal is a bit higher (and an 8 instead of a 6) but I enjoy a glass of wine and a piece of chocolate every now and again.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    My BMI is 122.6 and I'm eating around 1400 cals on average with about 200 calories burned in exercise. If I don't work out, I stick with the 1200 pretty easily. I guess 1/2 lb a week is better than a gain. But it's so annoying:grumble:
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