10 Minute Intense Abs Workout

Workout Summary

Main Goal:
Build Muscle
Workout Type:
Single Muscle Group
Training Level:
Days Per Week:
Equipment Required: Barbell, Dumbbells, Other
Target Gender: Male & Female
Max Riley
Workout Description

We all know that abs are made in the kitchen, right? While that's true, it's not the complete story.
Ever seen pictures of experienced bodybuilders who have thick, rope-like abs that can be seen at 15% bodyfat or more? These athletes are certainly not "ripped." They have an advanced level of muscular development that allows the abdominal muscles to "pop" despite the extra weight they are carrying.
This intense abs workout is designed to help you build thicker abs; abs that can be seen more easily with a higher bodyfat percentage. This process certainly can't be accomplished in a manner of weeks, but if you work your abs with a greater degree of intensity over time, you will start to see noticeable improvements.
Be warned, this is not as easy workout.
10 Minute Intense Abs Workout

This workout will be performed as a circuit. There is no structured rest in between exercises. It's ok to rest a bit to catch your breath, but try to limit rest as much as possible. Get your bearings and keep going.
You will be working from the ground up, starting on the floor and finishing with hanging knee raises. Use straps if you have to for this exercise. Don't let a poor grip stop you from hammering your abdominals.
Keep performing this circuit for 10 minutes. Do as much as you can. If you want to use this abs workout multiple times per week, it is recommended that you perform it every other day. This will give you 48 hours of recovery time between sessions.
Workout Notes

Sit up, stand up: Lay on the floor is a conventional sit ups position. Sit up slightly, then quickly rock back to the floor. From this position rock back forward and explode up to a standing positioning.
Weighted sit ups: Can be performed with a dumbbell on your chest, or with a 10, 25, or 45 pound plate.
Goblet squats: Might seem out of place in an abs workout, but you will find that your abs workout very hard during this exercise.
Intense Abs Workout
10 Minute Circuit

Weighted Sit Ups
sets : 1
reps : 10

Sit Up, Stand Up
sets: 1
reps : 5

Hanging Knee Raises (Knees to Elbows)
sets : 1
reps : 10

Goblet Squat
sets : 1
reps : 10

Barbell or Ab Wheel Roll Outs
sets : 1
reps : 10

sets : 1
reps : 30 seconds