Tips and Tricks



  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I strongly disagree with #3. I eat once a day and I'm losing weight just fine.

    once a day? prettttty sure thats not the right way to do it, you might as well be anorexic

    Seriously???? Please become a little bit more informed.

    Why say she is anorexic? Just because someone eats once a day doesn't mean they have an eating disorder. Sometimes multiple meals a day doesn't match with a persons lifestyle... doesn't mean anything besides they are doing what is best for them and not following some stupid meal timing myth about how often you should eat in a day.

    Eating once a day can be the way to do it.. eating twice a day.. eating 20 times a day can. Meal frequency meals nothing in terms of weight loss as long as you are consuming enough calories and not consuming too many.

    Research Intermittent Fasting... are the thousands of people who follow this anorexic?
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this! I totally agree with most of it. Only thing I am not doing is eating more frequently. I know that works, had a trainer once upon a time who had me do it, but!

    Its been a journey and I have been learning alot. I am now exercising and .... gasp, planning on running a 5k this summer! This fat old broad is going to go out and do it. Hopefully by June will not be quite so fat! Wish I could not be quite so old.

    I have discovered that eating grapefruit takes away my cravings for sweet stuff and processed carbs! That is weird and I dunno if there is some chemical in my brain that responds to the makeup of what is in grapefruit, but it works for me.

    You have become one of my heroes! Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing. You go girl!
