
I seem to be demotivated to exercise or even lose weight in the first place. It seem easier when I was 167 and wanted to be 135 ( which I made it , but it took a while ) Now I am 154 again and want to be 135-140 . Anyway to motivate a girl to keep on ? lol , I just dont know what to do . I do school online and I don't work this minute. I am home alone a majority of the time , moved here a year ago . No friends , very shy , dont really want to go to public workout classes or meetings... I just need something for help into this. A buddy maybe , or just alot of tips


  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    I was up to 167 a few years ago. I got down to about 140 and managed to get back up to 152 as of mid-December. I joined MFP and am now down to 142. I think My goal weight this time is 135- and this time I really want to keep it off- all of it off! I'm hoping MFP will help me maintain long term.

    You must be somewhat motivated because you're here!

    Send me a friend request if you'd like. :flowerforyou:
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    The department stores already have bathing suits out. Go there get a bikini go to the florescent lit , three way mirror changing room and put it on. Snap a picture with your phone. There is your motivation.
  • The whole bikini thing is a good idea , although I do that almost everyweek in my home. It does help keep me on track! thanks guys . Any new ideas will help
  • I'm gonna be honest and tell you the only way you're going to do this is to have some ambition....nobody wants you to lose weight as much as yourself. It took me so long to figure this out myself. The best motivation? Look in the mirror. Is this who you want to be? If your answer is no then you're going to have to find the ambition to get the ball rolling.

    Good luck to you!
  • cwill33
    cwill33 Posts: 15 Member
    If you can work up the courage/afford it a group workout class might be a good way to meet people. Otherwise you could try an at home workout such as Power 90 or any of the Jillian Michaels DVDs.