Feeling Useless



  • thedescentofhope
    thedescentofhope Posts: 118 Member
    Listen. You actually have a genuine reason why you couldn't. I've attempted 30DS THREE separate times & each time have just collapsed after no longer than the second lot of jumping jacks. I think you did pretty awesome, and should be proud of yourself!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    And a year ago, I couldn't walk 20 feet without being out of breath. Now I can run for an hour. It takes time, patience and dedication. If you can't do your workout cant you alter the movements or exercises so you can do it? You will improve in time. Be patient and don't give up!
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    Sorry to have a whinge on here infront of you all but i've just done my day one of the 30 day shred.

    I feel so pathetic and useless because i couldnt do all of it properly because i have a lower leg injury where my bones are held together with metal and ligaments wired up so im not allowed to jump or move it into awkard positions. I did my very best and still worked up a sweat but when i was finished i just burst into tears as i feel i wont achieve anything by not doing it 100%

    I am right here with ya! I am two weeks post op from a Total Hip Replacement. My doctor has advised me Not to jump or run, or put my leg in certain positions! I too, will have to modify my usual insane workouts. That is when I am even able to go to the gym to begin them again! For me it has always been all or nothing! I feel your pain! We have to remember that we have limitations, but those limitations do not make up who we are, we are strong! We can still do this! Add me if you like!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I've heard from several people that the 30DS is pretty hard on the knees, especially for heavier people who are quite out of shape. If you are crying because of pain, STOP and/or turn down the intensity (I totally relate to this, I actually find it hard not to give 110% effort in a workout when I should be toning it down because of an injury). You need to define success in terms of your own personal abilities, and not compare yourself to the people on a TV screen. You'll get there :flowerforyou:
  • carolstartingover
    carolstartingover Posts: 83 Member
    Nothing is set in stone, we all have our methods of work-outs. Where some people can jump, I try not to very often due to knee problems. However the instructor says " Now if this is too much for you then walk in place until the next exercise". It is not a senior work-out. I am 56 but not claiming it yet and it's 46 until I say otherwise. You make this what works for you and you will still benefit greatly. My late husband who died at 49 had MD and he had exercises he did with his PT at home. He did not give up. Nor should you, you are going strong.
  • a_certain_shade_of_green
    ahhh dont be too hard on yourself! get back on it tomorrow and keep your chin up. you get stronger and perform better and you see results :]
  • janelleross
    janelleross Posts: 61 Member
    I am on Day 5 of the 30 Day Shred ........ on Day 1, I felt like I was going to puke and pass out! And, I definitely can't do all of the moves for the entire 20 minutes, I have to modify some to fit my level - but I do what I can, and even in 5 short days, it has gotten easier. It's not "easy" by any means - but much better than it was on Day 1.

    Keep up the good work!! :)
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    Sorry to have a whinge on here infront of you all but i've just done my day one of the 30 day shred.

    I feel so pathetic and useless because i couldnt do all of it properly because i have a lower leg injury where my bones are held together with metal and ligaments wired up so im not allowed to jump or move it into awkard positions. I did my very best and still worked up a sweat but when i was finished i just burst into tears as i feel i wont achieve anything by not doing it 100%

    Hey, at least you have a damn good medical excuse for not being able to do it all the way. My only excuse is that I'm out of shape :wink:

    But seriously, you're awesome for even trying, first of all. A lot of people would let an injury like that be their excuse for never working out at all. Second, the 30 day shred is no joke. That workout has some pretty high impact moves. So, if you need to, don't feel ashamed when you have to take it a little easy sometimes. Also, there are other workouts you can try that don't include jumpy moves but are just as useful and will get you just as "shredded".
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Yeah, the first day I did 30DS, I was only able to get through 12 minutes and spent the next few minutes dry heaving. I had to modify for a long time (especially the jumping jacks which were murder on the knees). I think I actually did level 1 for a month or more. I could now probably do all 3 levels back to back. Keep on keepin' on. You'll get there.
  • thnksfrthmmrs
    thnksfrthmmrs Posts: 152 Member
    Wow, Everyone here is so great and full of ideas and encouragement.

    I have taken on board all the sudgestions everyone has made and im looking forward to giving day 2 a shot this evening.

    It's really motivating to know people understand other's circumstances and don't judge.

    You all really are superstars :flowerforyou: