What do you take to work for lunch?



  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Homemade main course. I make a lot and freeze into lunch portions.

    Nuts/seeds and raisins

    Dark chocolate

    2-3 servings of fresh fruit
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    I take salads, leftovers, sandwiches, soups, and wraps, Sometimes I will do a Lean Cuisine.
  • MKCD123
    MKCD123 Posts: 86 Member
    I like sandwiches but I make a few adjusments to keep my calories low ( I like to keep them in case I have a big dinner). I love the Arnold brand sandwich thins (the honey oat ones are the best) and they are only 100 calories, I usually eat them dry or with a very small amount of honey mustard, one slice of cheese and few slices of turkey. I add some carrot sticks or grapes and another snack like popcorn and usually stay under 350 calories and feel full and its delicious.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    usually tuna & avocado with veggie sticks, a mixture of carrots, peppers, turnip, celery , or a salad
  • sarakenna1
    I'll head to a local store on my lunch break to stock up on supplies, then commandeer an entire drawer in the office fridge and stock it with stuff I can throw together for lunch or snack. Prewashed lettuce, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, celery and/or baby carrots, salad dressing, hummus, and laughing cow cheese, for example. I also have a paper bag of "dry goods" that I store on the top of the fridge with stuff like fat free popcorn, tuna, tortilla chips with flax seed, luna bars, etc... That way, if I don't have left overs to bring for lunch I know I have some low cal snacks and lunch options in the fridge.
  • Charmainedelaney
    Charmainedelaney Posts: 46 Member
    HI, Since it is Summer here I take chicken wraps, chicken & salad, tuna sandwich & snacks are fruit x 2 & berry natural bar & sometimes nuts (10).
    Hope this helps to give you ideas.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Usually take a portion of oats and whey protein because it's so easy.

    Sometimes sweet potato or rice and chicken.
  • cbferriss
    cbferriss Posts: 122
    I take either a pack of Chicken of the Sea salmon or a can of lightly smoked sardines. Add a squeeze of fresh lemon to the fish, add salad mix or cut up veggies and fruit.

    Don't pre-judge sardines! They look like hell but they taste pretty good. They are a quick, easy, handy source of protien, calcium and good fats.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Thank so much everyone! I've gotten a lot of really great ideas from this thread :)
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    For lunch I make a quick salad, just lettuce, avocado and whatever protein I have left over from dinner the night before. If I don't have any left over, I slice up a serving of sliced turkey breast. BUT I also have apple slices, baby carrots, 60 cal jell-0, almonds, and cherry tomatoes. None of these extras will throw me off of my diet and they all fill some sort of craving should I have one. It's all about the preparation!
  • purple_orchid
    purple_orchid Posts: 129 Member
    saving for ideas!
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    I tend to bring half a can of chili or vegetable-based soup (Amy's are my favorites), some cut up celery, and a cup of cottage cheese or maybe a yogurt. I also give myself a dessert, usually in the form of one or two Lindor truffles or a handful of chocolate covered raisins from Costco. They take the sweet edge off, and they last a while.
  • surlymermaid
    surlymermaid Posts: 1 Member
    Hummus (either homemade or sabra individual servings purchased at cost co) and a bag of precut and cleaned broccoli or broccoli and califlower. (green giant fresh or traderjoes) presliced apples. v-8 juice. Sometimes I switch it up with Jiffy to go peanut butter instead of hummus (peanut butter is about 100 cals more per serving than the hummus I use) or I bring in two hardboiled eggs. Sometimes I substitute spinach or rarely carrots for the broccoli. Eating the entire bag of broccoli fills me up for the afternoon.

    I know that all this precut packaged food is probably not ideal but I have learned that the only way I am going to stick with packing my lunch everyday and eating enough veggies is to go for convenience. Otherwise I fall into going out for lunch which is expensive and not stick to my plan friendly. I should add that I am a vegetarian so tuna, chicken breast, etc. are out for me.

    I also treat myself to lunch out every Thursday with my sister so I do not feel so bored and deprived.