


  • melmckay99
    It's kindof sad that I would have to 'fake' having a drink just to make the people around me feel better about themselves. It's a good idea in theory, and is easy to do if you are out at a club and it's busy, but if I'm going out to a restaurant for dinner, or hanging out at a friend's house I won't really be able to do this. Plus I'm a terrible liar. I just want people to be more accepting of my choices. I have no problems standing my ground and telling people I don't want to drink for whatever health reasons I may have. I would also never question anyone else's food / drink choices, unless of course I knew they were trying to cut back on junk food and needed the support. Such a silly world we live in. Everything is driven by stereotypes, social norms and fear of being judged. I'm not on this earth to give you the 'impression' that I am happy, healthy and in love,... I actually want to BE all of those! ... which I am btw, I love my life!! :)

    Cheers everyone and thanks for the encouraging comments!
  • StencilChild
    StencilChild Posts: 60 Member
    Sucks to say, but I had to cut out alot of my "friends". Can't really go to major parties with junk food and booze w/o being tempted by having drinks shoved in my face. I used to down an entire bottle (750ml) of Jagermeister in the first hour of showing up. I stopped drinking, people kept bugging me and pressuring me. So I stopped going. Since I really only saw those friends at parties or bars, I just stopped talking to them. I made new friends, sober, fun, entertaining friends.

    The person you once were, is not the person you are now. Some people (you) change, others (your friends) don' whats more important to you? Your health and livelihood, or a bunch of people that make you feel awkward?
  • msalowit
    msalowit Posts: 15 Member
    Certain events where alcohol flows freely, I elected to maintain some sobriety for diverse reasons. After the first or second beer, I wander my way to the faucet and refill my beer bottle with water. People see a full bottle and a good chug and don't bother with the "Can I get you another..."
  • Rebecca_106
    I know what you mean. I gave up alcohol once or twice for 40 days and going to social events was the worst. Sometimes there may be temptation but that coupled with social influence/pressure is the worst. Makes you feel like you are being the party pooper. I plan to do a cleanse soon which involves no alcohol so that is going to be my excuse for now! I know not drinking will definitely amp up my desired body/health results. Good luck to you!
  • Rebecca_106
  • healthyloserxxx
    I don't think I would make excuses, they run out and ev entually look made up. My son quit and says, the truth, 'I've already had enough for two lifetimes, taking a break'! I say 'do whatever feels comfortable'.

    I've decided to try cutting my wine with seltzer, that way I can have a few cocktails, less calories! Also, 'I'm giving my liver a break'. There, that's a good explanation! :)

    Keep doing what works for you. The party goers are not going to be there when you face the scale, the headache or whatever drives you.
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    my man and i decided to only drink socially once a week, we told our friends, some of them gave us a hard time but most were just teasing, we still go out with everyone, just don't always drink.

    tell your friends to be supportive or to get over it because its your choice, and if you arent having fun when you are out with them, you probably arent going to go out anymore (whether you decide to have a drink or not).