Looking for a few friends

I'm not real chatty, I'd just like some friends on here, so when I log in, I can follow someone else's progress... maybe get some new meal or snack ideas from looking at their diary, etc. And I know I'll be more diligent about tracking all my food, if I know someone's watching.

I'm 39. Was somewhere around 215 at my highest weight. I'm now about 153. I've been on MFP since September, when I learned I was diabetic. I've gotten my BG levels under control through diet and exercise alone.... although I've been lacking in the exercise area. For the first several months, I was eating so much better and documenting EVERYTHING. I've really slacked off lately and I'm trying to take steps to ensure that I can get back on track.

Please note: If you are offended by seeing alcohol in my food diary, I'm not the friend for you. I've made so many healthy changes since September... I'm just not ready to eliminate alcohol yet. At some point, I do plan to make that change, as well. :smile:


  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    Sending a friend request your way....as long as you're not offended by the bacon and wine in my diary, which I have no plans of changing. I'm working my way into maintenance mode now but dedicated to logging every day and being supportive to my friends.
  • Chelle265
    Chelle265 Posts: 46 Member
    Well, I do LOVE bacon, lol! I usually eat some every Sunday. :) Thank you for the friend request!
  • nolanerinbryon
    nolanerinbryon Posts: 80 Member
    I'd be open to friending you! I have been through huge weight loss years ago & over the years, packed it back on:( Now I'm particpating in a challenge at work to be healthier (earn more $ for my HSA) and always looking for support/ideas. I am certainly open to sharing my food diary but haven't figured out how to do that without sharing my actual weight. I'm just not comfortable sharing that with anyone, not even my husband!
  • That's awesome! and alcohol is something I;ve not been able to forego either--but have definitely cut back on considerably! Keep up the good work!
  • ycortinas
    ycortinas Posts: 7 Member
    I recently got diagnosed with Diabetes myself, but have been in denial, but it's time for me to do something about it. I too am not ready to give up beer, but I try to drink Michelob Ultra whenever possible or Bud Light. I have cut down though. No, I would not be offended by your posting of beer.
  • Chelle265
    Chelle265 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks, new friends! I'm looking forward to getting and giving some support.