Health and Great Tasting Meal Replacements

Loupe-De-Loupe Juice For Breakfast

• ½ Cantaloupe with skin (if not organic, peel the skin)

Individual Fruit & Vegetable Effect:
Cantaloupes are high in beta-carotene and digestive enzymes, plus are great kidney and bladder cleansers.

Combined Synergistic Effect:
This drink helps your system prepare for the program. The beta carotene reduces the damage to your cells. Digestive enzymes help you break down the food you had the night before and slowly releases toxins from your kidneys and bladder.

“CAPP”isce Juice For Mid-Morning

• 5 Carrots • 2 Pears
• 1 Apple • Parsley (a small handful)

Individual Fruit & Vegetable Effect:
Carrots are a great liver cleanser.
Apples are high in soluble fiber which soothes digestion.
Pears reduce acidity in the body.
Parsley is an excellent cleanser of the liver, kidneys and bloodstream.

Combined Synergistic Effect:
This combination starts cleansing your liver, kidneys and digestive system which are the
organs most affected from having an unhealthy diet.

Happy Juicing!


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