Intermittent Fasting?!?!



  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    Eating multiple smaller meals throughout the day was hard for me, because unless I kept very busy and kept my butt out of the kitchen, I would want to continue eating and not stop at a snack sized meal. So IF works for me much better because I eat once a day on fasting days and on my regular days I eat lunch around 11-2 and dinner at 6, sometimes as late as 8 depending on my schedule. Having a smaller eating window worked best because I felt like I was getting enough at each meal and not watching the clock till my next snack sized meal. It's not for everyone but I love it and live it. Sometimes just a small break from eating gets my body back on track.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm giving it a try. I can eat from 10am till 6pm, then I'll fast from then on.
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    Hi Mabelbabel,

    I agree, it works for me too !
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm giving it a try. I can eat from 10am till 6pm, then I'll fast from then on.
    That's like me eating from 3pm til 11pm haha
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    well done Keiras Mom for keeping with it. Two consecutive days at the weekend works for me but I do separate them if I have time off from work when my concentration and energy levels need to be on top form.

  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I've been doing intermittent fasting for 3 months ( including 3 weeks since i joined MFP). I love it, it is pretty in sync with my actual hunger (I used to mindlessly eat in the morning). I fast for at least 18 hours everyday and shoot for 20. I try to do a 24 hour fast at least once a week and I forgive myself if I only fast 12 or 14 hours on one other day. There is a lot of solid science that show why fasting is good (including increasing the amount of fat lost per pound when combined with strength training). If you read the book Eat, Stop, Eat (which is available for free online if you know where to look) it cites at least a dozen studies that point to the added benefits of intermittent fasting as well as the myths of metabolism and muscle loss.
    [FWIW, I have lost an average of 12 pounds per month for three months.]
  • BeckiCharlotte13x
    BeckiCharlotte13x Posts: 259 Member
    I'm currently doing it. I'm doing the 5.2 diet, which involves restricting calories down to 500 calories twice a week and then eating normally on other days, but you can supposedly eat whatever you want, but within reasons.

    In 3 weeks, I have lost half a stone. 500 calorie days are easy now and my skin and hair and nails feel better and I'm not lethargic or tired!

    Give it a try but be aware there will be lots of people who will preach about how bad for you to is...
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    It's not a diet though, it's just simply a way of eating. You eat the same amount of food, just in a smaller eating window.

    I eat between 1pm and 9pm, 8 hour eating window, 16 hour fasting window seems to be a good starting point. 3 months in and about 21lbs down.
  • blacklaceroses
    blacklaceroses Posts: 48 Member
    i swear by it!
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I fast and it works for me....but it's not a one size all type thing. There are different types of fasting. I tried the 24 hour fasting once a week. Didn't work for me at all!

    But it didn't mean fasting doesn't work.

    Just that the variation of it didn't

    What works for me is usually 14-16 hour fast.(I do the leangains style of fasting)

    Depending on how I feel..I will go 14 hours..sometimes 16...

    Heck there are someday I just do 12 hours.and sometimes I surprise myself and go 18! But mostly 14-16. It works for me.

    But you gotta find what works for you.

    Maybe you will find fasting doesn't work at all..and that's ok. But for some people IF works. It also saves me money from not planning 6 snacks/meals a day! (that's how I used to eat!)

    Saves me time and money! If there is no other benefit..I have more money in my pocket!!