200+ (Week 22) Fling into Spring!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I decided to weigh myself again today cause I was no longer bloated. Back to 199.6!!!! YAY!.

    YEAH!!!! WTG!!!!! smiley-signs082.gif
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    skinny@ss- bwhaha. You are losing like whoa, but you're probably right to keep your weight from yesterday unless the one from this morning sticks.

    Well I am glad I stayed with the 194.5 because today I was 194.25. I'll keep that as my official weigh-in weight for the week. That makes me down .75 from last week.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I really shouldn't go to that smiley page. I am still laughing at this one.

  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    194. geez!

    Mish- yay for being under 200!

    My TOM bloat is slowly going away, plus with the late morning weigh-in, I was 199.8. WOO! *twirls* I won't take it as the official weigh-in, but my final weigh-in for this challenge is looking better!

    The jeans I put on today which were somewhat loose the last time I wore them are very loose today- like I don't think I can wear anymore. One more to the compiling Salvation Army pile!

    Also, put my reservation in for the new apartment (I did go with the first one). I'm very excited! Looks like a mid-July to mid-August move in, though if another apartment opens up that I like more, it might be different.
  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    Fri 03/19/10 06:27 PM
    Great week for me, lost 5. 2 lbs, woo hoo. Work was a pressure cooker all week long and that's where I get out of control but I managed pretty well this week. I stayed out of offices where I know they keep the good food and kept my door locked most of the week, lol!!! They must think I've lost my mind!! However it's the other end I want to lose. Whoosh!!!

    I can't tell you all how inspiring you've been to me all week. When I felt weak, I opened up my MFP link and read a line or two and got back on track with wonderful results!

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend

    Oh and to the demographic portion, I'm married, 5. 8 years now. We met when I was in my 40s ( online dating) and we've been together ever since. He's a great guy and so supportive. He does all the cooking and has been seaching out recipes of things he knows I love that he can cut calories on so I wont' feel like I'm ON A DIET. My family has an extensive history of heart disease in the women, nearly all my female relatives had some form of heart disease and he knows I want to avoid that if possible. All around good guy...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Great job llydon on a five pound loss!!!! Can you give me a number as well for the chart? Glad you did well at work. I like to think of this as a "lifesyle change" and not a diet. Most peolpe on diets regain the weight when they return to their prior eating patterns. I jealous your DH cooks.

    Kristina - glad you got the apartment . YIPPPEEE - for getting under 200 again. May you stay their and the hair on you toes never fall out (from The Hobbit)

    I've gotten in 2 hours of exercise today:) I plan to run again tomorrow. I bought these great " little oranges" called cuties - pretty good and remind me of tangerines.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Cutie orange are fantastic aren't they?? No seeds and so much easier to peel than regular orangs. Plus I think they taste better.

    My daughter was like a 10 for energy at 6:30 this morning when we were at a -1 so at 8 I decided to not work out and took her into town to hit Walshart and Target up for the stuff we needed. Got her out of the house, hubby could watch March Madness for a bit and she finally settled down. So no weigh in for me this week. Just keep it at 206.

    We got out in the backyard and started digging out our planned for fire pit and a few other things. Tomorrow we pick MIL up at the airport and will hit Home Depot to see what all we need to redo our deck and plants and such. Yippee!

    I falled off the horse this week with my diet. I mean i tracked most of my food but only worked out twice. Can't work out Monday because I'm spending time with my MIL and daughter, so Tues-Thurs I have got to do major work outs. We are going to Medford Friday after work so I can't do anything after work.

    Hmmmm...wait just a freakin' minute here....I COULD double up work outs and go in before work and after work to the gym Tues-Thurs and really rev it up this week. I think I will. Someone PLEASE hold me to it!! That is such a fantastic idea! Especially since we like to partake of the gin when MIL is here and I will need the cals.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    LOVE cuties clementines! Every few weeks I'll buy a crate and eat them like whoa!

    Victoria- 2 hours of exercise?? Wowsas! :noway:

    Lacey- we'll check in with with your doubling up of exercise! Yes, you didn't exercise a ton this past week, but it sounds like you ate okay overall. We all have weeks where we might eat worse, but get exercise or vice versa. Just step it up this week!

    No exercise for me today (just a teensy bit of walking). To the rec center tomorrow for a long (at least an hour, more likely 1.5 hours) workout to make up for nothing today.

    Will make my spaghetti squash with roasted veggies and ricotta cheese tomorrow as my recipe o' the week. Yummy!
  • mrsbojangles
    I had a very bad week - lots of stress. I gained three pounds. :sad:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I had a very bad week - lots of stress. I gained three pounds. :sad:

    I had that happen to me about 3 weeks ago. Pinbot told me I had to have eaten over like, 10000 cals to gain 3 pounds of fat and more than likely the gain is from sodium. It has taken a few weeks to get it back under control but it can happen. You can do it. We all have stressful weeks.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    thanks everyone for your support. i am proud to say that today i ate much better. i had a mini box of cereal and half a small container of fat free milk for breakfast, i had a lean cuisine quesadilla for lunch and corn 1 cup of baked beans and one hamburger for dinner. i didnt excersize but i was sooooooo tired after work that i came in and slept from 4-7:15. i dont feel well due to allergies but it will be ok. ood night super heros and keep up the good work
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    well my official weigh in is 231 again. but thats ok because i am probably just bloated from TOM. the cramps suck!!!!!! :grumble: :grumble: well see yall later!! even though i have TOM i am still going to go work out today.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Victoria- 2 hours of exercise?? Wowsas! :noway:

    What else do I have to do on the weekend? 45 min Zumba Dancing - very fun, 36 min - 2 mile walking mom's furry to pay the plow guy, 30 min of low impact aerobics so that I didn't waste brain cells as the boys made me watch a horrible movie and finished with 10 min stretching since I was sore.

    Today I plan to run 3 miles and hope to do some Zumba later.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    We got out in the backyard and started digging out our planned for fire pit and a few other things. Tomorrow we pick MIL up at the airport and will hit Home Depot to see what all we need to redo our deck and plants and such.

    ....Can't work out Monday because I'm spending time with my MIL and daughter, so Tues-Thurs I have got to do major work outs. We are going to Medford Friday after work so I can't do anything after work.

    Hmmmm...wait just a freakin' minute here....I COULD double up work outs and go in before work and after work to the gym Tues-Thurs and really rev it up this week. I think I will. Someone PLEASE hold me to it!! That is such a fantastic idea! Especially since we like to partake of the gin when MIL is here and I will need the cals.

    We are not going to let you use MIL as an excuse not to work out. Not every workout has to be at the gym. Can you all take a walk together? I bet MIL would love to babysit for 30-60 while you take a walk/jog alone. My MIL joins me on walks but she also covets time alone with DH. We don't have kids... I introduced my MIL to Leslie Sansone inside the house walking videos at Christmas and she loved them - a mile with her is 12 to 15 min of low impact aerobics and easy to squeeze into the day.

    If you don't have customers in the office: can you sit on a therapy ball (burns more calories than a chair by keeping your core activated); can you jog in place, side step, do kicks or stand while on the phone or waiting for calls to go through at work?

    By the way, yardwork with sprucing your patio up is exercise:wink:

    As for the car - Are you the driver or the passenger? If the driver - your in luck and I'll let you off the hook because driving is activity. If the passenger try these simple ex - DH may think your weird but just do it!!!

    ***Squeeze and release: the most common exercises that can easily be done in the car are called isometric contractions. They involve squeezing or activating your muscle, holding the contraction for a few seconds, then release***

    Step 1 - Push hands against each other and hold 10 secs, relax and repeat

    Step 2 - Lock fingers and pull arms apart, hold 10 secs, relax and repeat

    Step 3 - Release tension in your neck and shoulders with shoulder shrugs. Lift your shoulders up toward your ears, hold for 8 to 10 seconds, and lower. Repeat.

    Step 4 - Squeeze shoulder blades together behind you, hold 10 secs, relax and repeat

    Step 5 - Keep your tush from getting numb by squeezing your gluteal muscles, hold for a count of 10, then relax. Repeat.

    Step 6 - Strengthen your inner thighs. Place a small pillow between your feet. Try to lift the item off the ground and squeeze your legs together at the same time. You can also place the pillow or other soft object between your knees and squeeze.

    Step 7 - Brace hands on outer thighs and stop your thighs from moving out, hold 10 secs, relax and repeat

    Step 8 - Toe raises will help work the muscles on the front of your shins. Lift toes, hold 10 seconds, relax and repeat.

    Step 9 - Place a bag or stack of magazines on your lap or push down on knees to perform heel raises. Lift heels, hold for 8-10 seconds. Relax then repeat.

    Step 10 - Hold onto the handle above window and engage the biceps as though you're going to pull yourself out of your seat. Hold for 8-10 seconds, then relax. Switch seats, if possible, after a rest stop to work the other arm.

    Step 11 - Push down on seat to raise your bottom (works triceps), hold 10 seconds, relax and repeat.

    Step 12 - Squeeze your abdominal muscles as though you're trying to touch your ribs to your stomach, then release and sit up tall.

    Step 13 - Push upper back into seat, hold 10 seconds, relax and repeat.

    Step 14 - Lift both legs up from floor at the same time (works lower abs), hold 10 seconds, relax and repeat.

    Step 15 - Push down on your leg as you try to raise it (hip flex), hold 10 seconds, relax and repeat with other leg

    Do each exercise for 1 min and viola - 15 min of car exercises!!! Repeat the entire sequence and you will have 30 min of exercise. I would log it as calisthenics, light to mod ex.

    Other ideas - if you stop for restroom break or to buy gas: take a brisk 2 to 5 min walk or jog in place; do some squats and "car" push-ups from door frame... Little ex through out the day adds up.

    I will still hold you to some double up workouts at the gym!!! Good luck and enjoy your MIL.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    just checking in ladies! had a great day visiting with my parents yesterday...only two weeks left and we are outta here :(
    Came home and did a two mile run, which is amazing for me, as i usually don't work out hard on the weekends, but yesterday it just felt like it had to be done. Today hubby and i are going to take a walk as soon as I get off of here, and let our little guy go for a bike ride.
    catch you all later when i have more time.

    Deb...hang in there with the barn...yuck
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh yeah Lacey - I meant to add a few other car exercises:

    Turn the music on and Dance in your seat - any fidgeting burns calories.

    Take a light weight or some therabands to get some resistance work.

    Work on breathing and relaxing.

    I have a 4 hour car ride Friday and plan to do these things (can you tell I just researched what to do for myself?)
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello everyone...I just have a minute...but I have to share some good news......the first and best...My daughter, ( whom is 17 has a tiny weight problem too ) try as I may she has been blowing me off about the whole exercise...and watching what she has been putting in her body thing...well for the past 2 weeks she has been doing exactly that, and has lost 5 pounds and even lifted some weights with us as a family in the basement this morning:bigsmile:
    2nd thing...I re-weighed myself this morning and not only did that 1 pound gain disappear, it also registered another pound loss...206.8...but I will not count that just yet on my stats....I'd like to make sure it is the real thing and not just because I had a light dinner last night...but it lifted my spirits!! Just wanted to share...I'm late I need to get around by 1:30...talk with you all later!!
    Have a great Sunday!!
  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    Pinbotchick wrote: Great job llydon on a five pound loss!!!! Can you give me a number as well for the chart?

    I started week before last at 251.? and was weighed in at 243.8 on Friday. That's my weigh in day at work where I am competing in our version of the Biggest Loser. My ultimate goal is 150 but I'm taking my time, smelling the flowers along the way.

    Thanks! Laura
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Hello everyone...I just have a minute...but I have to share some good news......the first and best...My daughter, ( whom is 17 has a tiny weight problem too ) try as I may she has been blowing me off about the whole exercise...and watching what she has been putting in her body thing...well for the past 2 weeks she has been doing exactly that, and has lost 5 pounds and even lifted some weights with us as a family in the basement this morning:bigsmile:
    2nd thing...I re-weighed myself this morning and not only did that 1 pound gain disappear, it also registered another pound loss...206.8...but I will not count that just yet on my stats....I'd like to make sure it is the real thing and not just because I had a light dinner last night...but it lifted my spirits!! Just wanted to share...I'm late I need to get around by 1:30...talk with you all later!!
    Have a great Sunday!!

    congrats on both acheivements!!!

    I was scared that my four pound loss was a fluke, but i weighed myself this morning after breakfast and was still there...whoo hoo!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Congrats everyone!

    cds- glad that yo had a nice time with the parents. I can't believe how soon the move is coming up. And yay for the weight loss sticking!

    As for me, eating wasn't good yesterday, but still managed to be just barely under 200 again today. I'm hoping with some better eating today, the earlier weigh in tomorrow morning will still keep in the 100s. Was originally going to go to the rec center, but it's gorgeous out! Colder- in the high 40s, but decided to go for a run outside, and I did it again! 3.6 miles in 48 minutes. Woo Woo! It felt wonderful. I felt like I could definitely kick it up a notch if need be in the speed or at more distance. I need to plan out a new run, and not keep running the same loop over and over again or I'll get bored.

    So, I looked at another possible place to live today. I hadn't heard back from the guy for a couple of days, so I thought they'd flaked out on me, but it looks like it might be an option! I'm happy that I have my name in at the apartment complex and if I back out before July, I'll only lose 25 bucks. This place is MUCH closer to the office and on the side of town I'm more famliar with. Much more of a residential neighborhood- would be going through the owners- not a management company, which I like. It's small and somewhat outdated, but it backs up to a great grassy area, has hardwood floors, and a basement (unfurnished, but I could store stuff there- maybe even put my desk). I don't know if I'd even get it- I think others are in the running, but it's another option. It didn't wow me in appearance, but I think it's got a lot of potential with some decorating and sprucing up. Very exciting!

    Hope everyone's weekend is going well!