Hunger help...

Okay I know everyone has seen this proplem before but im going to ask for help anyway... IM HUNGRY, all. the. time. I try to resist but im going crazy. Im not depriving myself. Im eating through out the day. It's just constant. I was used to feeding my body (with empty carbs of course) anytime it wanted. I just need some snacking help. I been trying nuts but I want to just never end eat them all and I still want something else.


  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Okay I know everyone has seen this proplem before but im going to ask for help anyway... IM HUNGRY, all. the. time. I try to resist but im going crazy. Im not depriving myself. Im eating through out the day. It's just constant. I was used to feeding my body (with empty carbs of course) anytime it wanted. I just need some snacking help. I been trying nuts but I want to just never end eat them all and I still want something else.

    if you're hungry, you should eat. it's that simple. quality snack foods like veggies or nuts or seeds or less-bad-for-you snacks like triscuits (2 ingredients), veggie chips, etc. if your calorie level isn't set high enough to satiate you, it needs to be higher!
  • jessjoye
    jessjoye Posts: 69 Member
    I would say make sure you are drinking enough water- but I love your ticker! Besides drinking water eat healthy whole foods when you are hungry. Combine proteins with fruits/veggies like 3 boiled egg whites with 2 Tbsp Hummus and carrotts or combine 10 almonds with some fresh berries and a greek yogurt. Veggie chips are a favorite of mine if I am craving chips and taste great with hummus too! Oatmeal mixed with different things is a lifesaver for me anytime of the day too...

    Good luck!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    What is your daily calorie goal, what are you workouts like, and how long have you been at it? More info needed! :smile:
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    I'm a snacker too and I have slowly increased the time between meals and Apple with a tbsp of peanut butter (after a large glass of water) is usually enough to keep me held over till the next meal...not sure what you're calories per day are set at, but if you're hungry you need to eat.
  • Sholmes82
    I try to eat every 2-3 hours to sustain my go-to snacks are apple w/natural peanut butter greek yogurt with raisins or some fruit..tostitos tortilla chips with cinnamon rice cakes with peanut butter and drink plenty of water..sometimes your actually thirsty and that helps..popcorn with hot sauce(you can eat quite a bit and it not cost you much on the calorie scale and again drink water with meal and snacks
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Try altoids they help. I suck on jolly ranchers but I am good at portion control. You can also chew gum, it helps. A lady on my friends list chews a pack of trident a day.

    You may also try to distinguish between being hungry and being obsessed with eating, and I do not mean that in the OMG I must eat everything way, I mean that in the "my mind is telling me to eat" kind of way. Are you hungry or getting anxiety because you can not eat like you used to and that makes you feel hungry?

    Drinking water does help as increased protein.

    Good luck! Its not easy but it is worth it. Just make sure you are not denying yourself too much. It is better to scale back a little at a time than try to do it all at once. We tend to fail that way. I took baby steps and started out by simply cutting out a few things at a time out of my diet. That way I was not obsessing over not having them. Now I do not want those things or on the occasion that I do, I have it. That is because my diet is 95% healthy.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Hunger is fairly complex as perceptions go. It might indicate that you need more food. It might not. Lots of people will claim that protein and "healthy" fats help. They don't do a thing for me. Fiber helps a little.

    Mostly if I feel like snacking in the way you're describing I have to stick with something that's fairly difficult to digest (due to fiber or any number of other reasons). Sometimes dipping carrot sticks in salsa helps. I love salsa and carrots are definitely more difficult to digest.
  • MountainMoverJosh
    chewing gum helps with stomach pains? Interesting. I thought it would just get more upset, like holding bacon in your hand for the dog, but he can never jump high enough to get it.

    i know that when I get hungry, I eat......but do you work anywhere where they are serving food? If you constantly smell food, your salivary glands will fire like it is time to eat, sending signals to the stomach via the brain, and you will always feel hungry, unless you just ate something.
  • taylorbrown1792
    taylorbrown1792 Posts: 129 Member
    My calorie goal is 1340 and im pretty good with it. It might just be because im working a lot and not exercising as much as I need to.. Thanks everyone.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    My calorie goal is 1340 and im pretty good with it. It might just be because im working a lot and not exercising as much as I need to.. Thanks everyone.

    being good with it mentally is different than your body being good with it. if you're honestly hungry - and not eating out of boredom/emotion/etc - then you should eat. your body really won't lie to you.
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    Celery and peanutbutter is a good one for me when I'm hungry
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    Not sure what your activity level is like, but your calories seem too low. No wonder you're hunger. Some good fats such as avocado, coconut oil, olives, etc would probably help if you're not already consuming them. Eat loads of fresh vegetables to bulk up your meals!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    My calorie goal is 1340 and im pretty good with it. It might just be because im working a lot and not exercising as much as I need to.. Thanks everyone.

    I think you should be eating more than that. At least 1400, probably more like 1500 or 1600.

    Compute your TDEE and BMR: