Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 3/19 wk 12



  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Went over calories yesterday, but it is what it is. going strong today.
    Goals are to drink more water and less coffee, stick to calories. I am logging everything so I should have a loss Friday. Wish the sun would come out so I can do a walk today.

    Gotta get back to work. Check in later. :bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Walked to my car last night ands felt good. I really need to remember that i feel good after walking or work out. Trouble with the teens this morning, didn't walk but def walkinig tonight!! So trying to be good eating wise but more focus on the walking
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Hump day team!

    Ok, BL was a sob session for me at the beginning of the show when they all went home. Didn't get to see it all so will have to watch it later. Up too late talking w/boys, so am a little tired now...but I'm glad I got my walk in this am. Really hope I can keep my exercise going in the am...get it out of the way. Food has been good and the logging has kept me in line. Parents rental house is pretty much done with construction work, now we plan to clean it Friday. Might go to the city tomorrow for groceries and errands.

    I just realized I didn't post the chart for last Fri....oops, sorry. Have a great day and stick to your plan! Make it work for *you*!

    Crystal ~ you have had a nice loss so far. I think 7lbs is avg for the 4 day jump start. Congrats! How are you doing with the salt cravings....I have tried Mrs Dash and liked it. I also buy the minced garlic and we use fresh ginger root in our stir fry. I want to start using more red (hot) peppers too. I love fajitas and the spicy flavors!

    Cindy ~ glad you're having a better day. our sun disappeared too, but it was warmer when I went on my walk this am.

    Jacque ~ My dh wrote down "Easter candy" on my shopping list...peanut M&M's is his fav! I always feel good when I finish exercising too. I'm really trying hard to see the importance of it, every day!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Must be a busy week for everyone? Well It rained last night so did not get my walk on :frown: Made spagetti and really pigged out. So Today I brought all my food, already logged in all of it except dinner. Will walk to car today-no rain in forcast :smile: DS got baseball tonight so that will keep me away from the food.
    Hope everyone is doing good, keep on keeping on!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Just wanted to pop in real quick and say HI to everyone!

    Someone did some nasty graffiti to the outside of my bus last nite or this am. Had to take it to the district office for sheriffs report...

    Heading to the city now to shop!

    Thinking of ya all and hope you have a great day.... take care of YOU!! :smile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hello everyone & thanks to those who reached out to me. Home & work very hectic. Haven't been eating well
    I know I have gained a few lbs. Haven't made time to exercise either.
    The plan is return to normal exercise routine next week. This week on the road doing training claases.
    Take care.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    OK DOING OK SO FAR. Sorry didnt realize caps was on. Thikin of taking a walk around 3 to stay motivated. Def walking to the car, sun is shinning.Now just not to over indulge at dinner
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    :flowerforyou: :heart: :glasses:
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Kelly- sorry to hear about the graffiti on your bus.

    Crystal your new diet sounds interesting. After I have my baby I will have to try it.

    Jacque - Since I found out I was pregnant, I have been trying to control my weight gain by focusing on exercising. I think it helps as long as I follow through with exercising. I have little success in controlling my craving for sweets during my pregnancy.

    I spent 10 days by mom's and didn't exercise or log food so I put on 5 pounds. Some of that is baby but most of it is baby shower cakes. Since I have been home, I have been going through the baby gifts and spending extra time with my son. He is on spring break this week. I like having him home with me. I will miss him when he goes back to school next week. I have been very needy this week and Ody is my snuggler so it has been extra nice having him home. I am so excited in about 47 days my baby will be here. I am grateful that everything is going so well in my pregnancy. I am so fortunate not to have anything to really complain about. I still can sleep at night and so far everything is going so good. Soon I will be able to concentrate on loosing weight again. I hope to lose 50 by my b-day in September. I hope everyone is having a great day! :smile: