Burned Calorie Confusions

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting and I've been using MFP for about a month now. I've lost some pounds and hope to lose more!

Right now I have some questions on the amount of calories burned after exercise. I use a treadmill for walking, and my current setting is speed 4.5 with an incline of 15. I walk for about 80 minutes long on most days (and 60 on others). On the treadmill, it says that I've burned about 300 calories or so, but when I input the same data in the app (description: Walking, 4.5 mph, very, very brisk pace for 80 minutes), it says I've burned about 700++ calories.

Which is the correct number? From the treadmill or the app? Because almost always, the numbers on the app are significantly higher than what's shown on the treadmill.