Nothing, I see nothing happening?



  • carleighsmama
    carleighsmama Posts: 29 Member
    Keep doing what you're doing and be patient. I'm on a 1,400 calorie diet as well. I haven't lost much weight, but I feel skinnier and much healthier.
  • sarahmctaggart
    sarahmctaggart Posts: 24 Member
    You don't necessarily have to eat all of your exercise calories but they are there if your body needs them. I find your body will tell you if you need to fuel it. What commonly happens is people will only eat 3 meals a day so if you are having 5-6 hour breaks between meals your body goes into starvation mode and will store what you eat (ie. the reverse effect).

    Listen to your body and fuel it with clean foods when required - the less processed the better.

    Oh wow!! I knew the starvation mode myth was getting out of hand but I did not know that some people are under the belief that 5-6 hours between meals will throw your body into a starvation panic!

    That actually made me lol a little bit. I'm sure the poster meant well but the terminology is a bit mixed up I think

    Sorry something I had learnt a long the way and it has worked for me! You learn something every day!