help with setting correct calorie intake!!!



  • aliya1717
    Double check your lifestyle/activity setting. Just because you're on your feet all day doesn't mean you should choose the most active setting. Do you work in construction where you're lifting, squatting, pulling or pushing heavy things for 8-10 hours per day? Probably not. Choose an accurate, realistic activity setting and log your dedicated workouts using the Exercise tab.

    Other posters are correct, eat at least your BMR but try to eat more as that's the bare minimum you need. It's the amount of calories you would burn even if you were in a coma. You can find it on MFP by clicking on the "Apps" tab and scrolling down.

    it is currently set at one step above a desk job (nursing)I am a nursing assistant and I spend a large part of my day pushing wheelchairs, lifting people out of bed, giving showers, helping with pt. it's fairly active.

    I have it set as lightly active...I think that is fair?
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Dan explains how to calculate your calories and how MFP does it for you

    He rocks.