New here

Hi all. I am loving the my fitness pal on my ipod touch. So today I decided to take it farther and come here and see what the site is all about. I have tried everything, weight watchers, Medifast etc...never stuck with anything once I hit 30-40 pound loss..I don't know why.

So on March 19, 2010 I hit my highest weight of 299.6. I am so disgusted with myself. I started that day with myfitnesspal on the ipod and started my Wii fit plus. I have faithfully tracked my foods, exercise and water intake.

I have a husband that can eat anything and stay the same weight and not even try. He doesn't understand my situation, he supports me when I start something then fades and I feel less support from him..make sense? I know he loves me for me but wants my healthy. I have to kids a son 10 and a daughter 7. I don't want them to lose their mommy.

I hope to come here for support from everyone.



  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    Welcome. I hope you find the motivation, etc that you need to be successful here. I know I did.

    They say to only step on the scale once a week, but for me I step on it everyday and rejoice when there's a little dip and tolerate when it's up a little. I have learned that my body has a kind of rhythm (like so many things in nature), so after a few pounds lost, it goes into a plateau for about a week. I've learned that when it hits plateau, I shouldn't give up. I've learned that if I persist, it will start down again, and it actually does. I had set what I originally thought was actually an unattainable goal - to get back to a weight of about "10 years" ago. I still can't believe that I have not only met that goal, but am heading for a goal of "20 years" ago (which according to my research is still 5 pounds above the recommended weight for someone my height).

    At first I thought that the "recommended weight" was totally unrealistic for me - probably making excuses - but now that I see it actually in view, I'm thinking I'm going to "go for it"! LOL

    I've found new delicious foods that are considered healthier for me, and I'm fortunate to have a Fruit/Vegetable store close by for fresh fruits and vegetables. And now that we (Illinois) are finally seeing the sun and warmer weather, I have planted organic lettuce, spinach, and onions in a little green house in the back. I totally don't have a green thumb, but am SO excited because the lettuce and spinach have peaked out of the ground. Actually I think I spend more time now playing with food (making new recipes) instead of eating, and my husband (reluctant at first) is starting to enjoy the foods that I prepare for me, and becoming more interested in a healthier weight. (He has diabetes, and I'm hoping that if he loses some weight, he will feel better.)

    Funny how life goes - when I started this "diet adventure", I focused on the foods "I couldn't have anymore" and played the role of maryr; but now that I have discovered so many yummy foods that are healthy, I can't picture going back to the way I was eating before! LOL You indeed have come across a good site for weight loss, because their emphasis is on long-term health, not a short term unhealthy weight drop. I'm so glad that I accidentally found this site!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway, as you can tell, I'm a jabber-box, but I just wanted to welcome you to this site, and wish you much success!
  • lulu64uk
    lulu64uk Posts: 62
    Welcome Mom73

    I am new to this site as well, found it after randomly looking at apps on the I phone, I also got a WII fit for my birthday 10 days ago, so we sound like we are both on the same tracks at the moment !

    Good luck (to us both !)

  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hi to all of you and coming here is a great way to help reach your goal.
  • heather_boyd
    Congratulations on joining MFP. I'm just reaching the 30lb total lost point, but understand your comment about reaching a point where you either move forward or move back...

    I think it takes more courage than anyone knows to keep moving forward...

    I too have a husband who's support I would classify as "wavering" at best, but this time around he's really embraced the whole healthy eating thing and man, what a difference that has made. It's tough because his daily calorie limit is almost twice mine, but we challenge each other and hold each other accountable. No one would dare take a pop out of the fridge unless it was for company!

    Good luck and hope to hear from you as you progress... Just tell yourself everyday how close you came to 300.