How to count Yoga Meltdown Cals

I am wondering how you guys are counting your Yoga Meltdown calories in your exercise diaries. Doesn't seem to me it would go under regular yoga because of the increased intensity but I'm not sure what the most accurate way to count it without a heart monitor would be. Thanks guys!!


  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I started this Biggest loser Cardio Max and I'm just on level 1, but The sweat really pours off of me.. I came to the end of my work out (and I mean, I could barely walk) and my HRM said I only burned 173 cals! WHAT!? Totally unfair!, but I put it in here as 173 cals :( I swear it feels like I burned 500 CALS! Guess I'll have to fight through the pain and go on a bike ride today.. 173 cals! I'm just a lil bummed..... But I know this isn't your situation.. What I'm trying to say is that you may feel like your workin your booty off, but that doesn't always equal burning more calories.. I guess anyways.. That's what my HRM is telling me.. Good work out anyways.! Cheers!