A bump in the road

I feel as though I have lost motivation today for the first time since I started MFP on Jan 6. I gave into some cravings last night, probably went over about 600 cals and today I thought I would start fresh but still feel like I want to give in to those desires to eat too much of things I shouldn't have ie. leftover salmon pie....nuts.....How to get over this bump without giving up and just quitting?


  • Don't Quit!!! It's harder to get back on track when you stop. Just consider yesterday to be your "off" day and maybe allow yourself an off day once a week. If you still feel like eating some of the same foods your craving, then portion or measure them out in 1/2 cup or 1oz amounts and then eat them . Sounds silly? well I have a small food scale at home and have started to measure some of my high calorie foods in it (peanuts / chips / cake slices) so I don't eat more than a certain amount (usually 1oz ). Hope this helps........
  • I totally did the same thing Sunday! So I wasn't tracking too much for yesterday, thinking I have totally blown my progress. Then last night my husband asked me how many inches I have lost on my hips (my largest place, I had a baby 11 months ago and am trying to lose the baby weight) and I said that I haven't measured/weighed because of Sunday. I did this morning and I didn't gain and actually had lost half an inch on my hips!
    Don't give up!
  • An "off" day doesn't mean you should give up. It's natural to feel down now and then, it's natural to go through hard times and because you want this (look at your reasons why you started!), just start over today. Keep logging, keep at it and you'll get there. You've got this!
  • So you went over by 600 calories for one day, don't worry it's not a big deal.

    It takes about 3500 calories to get a lbs of fat, so 600 calories is between 1/5 and 1/6 of that. If my math is right, at worst you set your weight loss goal back 3 ounces? I don't even know if my scale would register that. I think if you look at it in that light it's really not a problem, and certainly not worth getting upset over. It's only a problem if it happens everyday and you let it become a habit, don't beat yourself up it, you are doing fine.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    Everyone gets these. I can go for weeks and weeks with loads of motivation and then hit a sudden bump! The key is to plan the exit from the bump and keep to it. If you mess up one day write that day off and DO NOT extend it. You're allowed bad days but dont allow yourself to get used to them. Plan bad days ahead of time if you have to (ie if you know you're going out with friends say to yourself that you'll make reasonable choices but wont count cals).

    I had a christmas maintenance period that went on for a lot longer than planned! i didnt actual gain any weight but i stayed the same and didnt get back in to the weight loss until amonth 1 month after the plan I had!

    The difference between the ones that achieve their goals and the ones that do not is the duration of the treat day. For the achievers they're strict and keep it at the one day. The others extend that until depression sets in and they eat to cure it.
  • firemanfive0
    firemanfive0 Posts: 228 Member
    Hey...no big thing...you are in the first 30 days of this. Old habits still have the hold on us and it is OK to do what you did. Just acknowledge it and move on with the plan. Another thing that helped me in the beginning was to look back at a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, a month...try to make the next one better than the last. Look back at the month...you had 25 great days...5 so/so days. Is that better than the month prior when everything was bad? YES... Then you succeeded!!! Then you try and make the next month better. YOU GOT THIS...YOU ARE STRONG!!!
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    everyone gets those days, hold your head up, dont worry and you will get back on track, remember your original motivation and goal

    something that always stood with me was ''lose inches from your waist and add them to the smile on your face'' :)