Breakfast or no breakfast ?

I have never had breakfast (whether on a diet or not) but it is always stated as being the most important meal of the day, however I find if I have breakfast it kind off starts me off eating for the day. I just wondered if this was the same for other people on this site, or am I eating the wrong foods which stimulate my appertite ? (if that makes sense ?)

When I do have breakfast it is either cereal with semi skinned milk or a couple of slices of toast ?

Just wondered if any one else is like me and has this problem ?


  • loverrgirrl
    When you eat a good breakfast it starts up your metabolism for the day...i usually go for a fruit shake in the morning and then i have some yogurt and granola when i get hungry again (about 2 hours later). I eat every 2-4 hours throughout the gym its a little harder to stay in my calories but i make it work. Hope this is helpful.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I typically have either a 9 grain hot cereal, fruit, and tea
    2 slices vegetarian bacon, greek yogurt, 1 slice of toast, and tea

    This works really well for me and keeps me full until around 10:30 when I have a small snack (usually apple with PB or 1/2 cup carrots and hummus. I also eat my breakfast within 1 1/2 hours of waking up to jump start my metabolism.
  • colette01
    I worked for Weight Watchers as a leader for 5 years a long time ago. It is amazing how many significantly overweight people stated their aversion to breakfast. Of course I didn't do any scientific studies, this is strictly antecdotal, but I believe that skipping breakfast is a mistake. Eating primarily carbs for breakfast (such as cereal and/or toast) will give one a blood sugar spike, followed by a drop in blood sugar, causing a craving for more carbs. Granted,using whole grains results in less of a spike, but without having a little fat and some protein for breakfast, one is set up to overeat at lunch AND the rest of the day.
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    You need to be eating within an hour of waking up. And the best food to eat is protein (egg whites, peanut butter, etc) and whole grains (oat meal, toast, etc.).
  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    I go to starbucks for their turkey bacon, egg white and low fat cheese on an english muffin. Only 350 calories and it gets my metabolism cranked to the max! When I skipped or skimped on my breakfast I usually would only lose weight for a short period of time so I've learned to really enjoy a good full meal bright and early and my weightloss has kept pace. Plus Im not hungry till around 10:30.
  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm a fan of Quaker Weight Control Oatmeal. It comes in 3 different flavors (maple and brown sugar, cinnamon, and banana nut bread), and it's very filling. It also is extremely easy to make. Takes me about a minute and a half in the microwave. I started dropping weight when I started eating breakfast, so I'm with everyone else.
  • NaomiLyn
    NaomiLyn Posts: 16
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your metabolism slows down while you sleep, and it doesn't get a kick start until you feed it. So, it is important to eat something that is filling. Eating toast or cereal only gives you a momentary high, which is why you get hungry quicker. Avoid eating carbohydrates early in the day because they turn to simple suger, give you a high, and then you will be hunger quicker. If you are going to eat carbohydrates, try oatmeal (not instant) with fruits and nuts in it. The protein will keep you full longer, and you won't feel like you need to eat again before lunch (unless you want to).
  • Suzanita
    Suzanita Posts: 51 Member
    This exactly what I do and it really seems to work!
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    I always eat breakfast, but I do agree that it starts me eating for the rest of the day, I'm almost hungrier when I eat breakfast. On the rare days I don't eat breakfast, I can go to mid-afternoon without feeling hungry.

    I'm interested to see other people's experiences on this thread. I know how important breakfast is, but I'm convinced having it causes me to eat more throughout the rest of the day!!
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    It's funny...before I started to lose weight...i ALWAYS skipped breakfast, or just had coffee. Sometimes I'd skip lunch too. Once i started eating better and exercising, I got to the point where I couldn't skip breakfast, the healtheir I got, the earlier I needed food! haha..Now, by 8:30 at the very very latest I've eaten. Start small, but do something, you have to get food in your body, because if you can keep yourself full there is no desire to run home and eat everything in sight once you do eat. EAT BREAKFAST!!!! hahaha...My favorite thing is a piece of whole grain toast with at least 5g of fiber and i put real peanut butter on it...not skippy, the real stuff...that definitely keep me going till my first snack at 10:30!! EAT EAT EAT!!!!!
  • kurtybee
    kurtybee Posts: 17
    If you eat foods high in fiber it will keep you fuller for longer. I usually have a serving of beneifiber or metamucuil in the morning with breakfast. I don't get hungry till around lunch time.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    You do need to eat a little something in the first hour of waking. It doesn't have to be much, since you should be eating 5-6 small meals a day. I usually go with 1/2 slice of toast with applesauce and 4 oz of skim milk. Sometimes it's cereal or oatmeal, sometimes it's fruit and yogurt. Basically, it doesn't have to be a big breakfast. When I wake up extra early to go to the gym (4:30am) I usually have just the 4 oz of milk and eat a little something once I get home.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Eat breakfast. Balance your meal to match your daily goals. Carbs will give you short term energy, Protein in the middle, and a little fat will hold you until your next meal.

    Every carb turns into simple sugar (your body can't use any other kind) but the thing to note is how quickly they turn into simple sugars. REFINDED carbs like white flour, white sugar, etc are converted to simple sugars in your body rapidly as is fruit juice. Whole fruit, whole veggies, and whole grains have carbs that are bound with fiber and are harder for your body to break down and turn into those SAME simple sugars. Carbs give you energy for about the first 30-60 minutes after you eat. Proteins break down into amino acids, and fats into lipids. Since proteins break down more slowly, they tend to be used for energy from 60 to about 120-150 minutes after you eat. What keeps your blood sugar level and keeps you from getting hungry for the next 90-150 minutes??? Fats. This is why it's important to have a small, balanced meal or snack every 4 hours or so.

    Avoid refinded products and artificial sweeteners at all times, but especially in the morning. They will cause you to feel hungry, even when you aren't. Plus make sure that you drink LOTS of water. Most people mistake thirst (or even boredom) for hunger.
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    I'm a fan of Quaker Weight Control Oatmeal. It comes in 3 different flavors (maple and brown sugar, cinnamon, and banana nut bread), and it's very filling. It also is extremely easy to make. Takes me about a minute and a half in the microwave. I started dropping weight when I started eating breakfast, so I'm with everyone else.

    I eat just plain oatmeal. The quick cooking 3-5 mins oatmeal. 2/3cup of water in the micro for 1.5 min, add 1/3 cup of oatmeal, 1tsp of cinnamon and 1/1 tsp of nutmeg and this is the part that changes up from morning to morning, 1 tbsp of crasins or 1/2 banana or 1 tbsp rasins. Yuo get the idea. This way I control how much flavour goes in. Less sugar this way.

    Also I've started drinking green monsters. the name sounds scarey, they are green they are good for you whoah double whammy of scary. But check out my blog to check them out. Just like the oatmeal I listed above its just as filling same in calories and will tie you over till lunch.
  • rvkirk
    rvkirk Posts: 37
    Scientific studies have shown that people who eat breakfast are lower in weight (and body fat) than those who skip breakfast. You should try to eat some protein/carb/fat mix to keep you full longer, but if you don't like breakfast eating a small snack of any thing is better than nothing.
    My weekday breakfast is usually yogurt, fruit and nuts. Weekends I tend to cook healthy "grill" ups, so yummy and filling :)
    Good luck
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    I cannot stress enough how important it is to eat within 1 hour of waking up to get your metabolism going for the day. I eat every 2 to 3 hours per my food plan. calories for meals are kept between 300 to 500 and snacks are kept under 200. No white sugar, white flour, enriched flour, high fructose corn syrup.

    I will typically eat either acme brand instant oatmeal low sugar apples and cinnamon with a scoop of protein powder with some fruit or 3 scrambled egg whites with either 97% fat free deli ham or 2 breakfast turkey sausage links.

    I've lost 54 lbs since October, so I guess I'm doing something right!

    If you don't eat, your body goes into starvation mode and holds all your fat. That's why it's important to start eating and control your portions and eat healthy thoughout the day.
  • eightpaws
    eightpaws Posts: 5 Member
    When I eat breakfast I usually eat more during the day. I've always followed the advice of experts and it never got me anywhere in terms of weight loss progress. This time I'm listening to myself and being more in tune with my body. I'm only eating when I'm hungry and I stop eating when I'm not hungry anymore (not when I'm full, just when I stop feeling hungry). It helps to eat slow and enjoy every bite. So far it's working well.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    i saw this recently in a healthy eating magazine-

    A well-balanced meal at the start of the day is a key part of a stay-slim plan. Reasearch shows that breakfast eaters typically consume about 100 fewer calories per day and weigh less than those who skip food in the morning. This strategy works long-term, too. Nearly 80 percent of participants in the National Weight Control Registry, which charts dieters who have kept off 30 lbs for a year or longer, eat breakfast everyday.

    (my choice, build a habit of eating breakfast in this new lifestyle. when i reached my goal weight i want to be part of the 80% who keep the weight off forever!!!!!!) -katie
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    I know that it is not the most popular choice, but I have a slimfast in the morning. I work early and have very little time to eat, so it works for me.
  • mjmarler
    mjmarler Posts: 9
    I never ate breakfast and everyone would tell me the same as some of the others on MFP, "you really need to eat breakfast because its the most important meal of the day!". So, I started eating breakfast and I just seemed to be hungrier and ate more thorughout the morning! When I don't eat breakfast, I can go till lunch and not be hungry at all! Since I started MFP, I eat a Nature Valley fruit and nut bar. Eating this doesnt seem to make me as hungry as eating a full breakfast.