Fit Bit Users are you happy?



  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    It was awesome...I mean it still is..but now thinking about a Amiigo...since it measures everything..a lot more than the Fitbit. I will admit..the Fitbit does get me moving more..making sure I get my steps in...but i think I have kind of outgrown it..
  • SHHitsKaty
    I have the FitBit One and while I don't consider it life changing, I do like being able to see how many steps I've taken, how many stairs, etc. I feel as if it's MADE me be a bit more active. Where I may have taken the elevator a few times prior to having the Fitbit One, now I take the stairs so that I can see how many I took all day.

    Really, I think I'll likely get a Polar Heart Rate monitor because I don't entirely trust the FitBit's calorie burned estimation because it's not being based off of anything other than slight movements which could happen just by accident or when you're driving, etc.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    The fitbit got me active after surgery and I loved it. However in the end it drove me a little too much and id do too much! I drowned 3 or 4. I wouldn't say I sweat excessively when in work out, but I managed to drown 3 that way and one on the rain.

    Got to say Fitbit were very good at replacing though. I hear the one is sweat resistant
    I had the ultra. A new fitbit armband is coming out soon though and is totally waterproof so I would consider waiting for that.

    I swapped over to a Ki Fit / Body Media, which often gives me 1000 calories more than the fitbit did for a similar day. I've started eating a little more since I got the body media figures, and feel better for doing so.

    On the other hand my friend found only around 100 calorie difference in TDEES between the two
    . Overall of say it's a great product, wait for the waterproof though. Of You think the numbers may drive you a bit nuts, think about a bod media! A little more expensive and a monthly fee but I love the data it gives and I live the website. I'm not a huge fan of the fitbit website, but then it is free!

  • SHHitsKaty
    Oh yeah, I can't stand FitBit's website. I rarely ever get on there. I just make sure it's always syncing through here.
  • kmarsack618
    kmarsack618 Posts: 4 Member
    I am not sure how I feel about mine yet. I do a bootcamp every morning and we do a lot of weight and cardio circuit blasts. If I put it into MFP it says that I burn about 230 calories in 45 minutes, but my FitBit then takes away those calories - for example today it said that I only burned 57 calories after I input the data into MFP. Am I missing something here??
  • carfamily08
    I love mine! I've had it for almost a month now and I wear it 24/7 (except showers and charging). It inspires me to get up and stay active, I try and hit my 10k step goal every day. I didn't think I'd want the sleep tracking part but it fascinates me and I actually get more sleep than I thought :)

    It's also been a good way to back up my TDEE calculations. It's pretty spot on with what I thought I was burning and how I've been losing weight.