so how often should i weigh myself ?



  • retheim
    Thank you to everyone. I shall go weekly and i will measure myself never thought of doing that so thanks for that advice.
  • KittyPulse
    In the past I would weigh myself every morning before breakfast and just as Im about to hop into the shower.. but it becomes obssessive and I found that I'd be really disappointed even if I gained 0.1kg when the main aim was to lose.
    So, yesterday morning I weighed myself, and recorded my waist, hips,bust,thighs,arms and calf measurements. I have made a rule to only weigh and measure again a week from now.
    It's a different game plan --- Every diet decision you make and every exercise session you have will contribute to the weight and/or measurements reducing. I can't wait to see the outcome in a week from now:) I get excited now!! It's a nice game I have going now:D

    But, whatever works for you, works for you... all the best!!!:D
  • Christine51562
    I found that if I weigh myself every day I would get discouraged because of the fluctuations, so to stop sabotaging myself I make it once a week, first thing in the morning.

    That's what works for me.
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    I weigh ever day, first thing in the morning and then right before bed. I only record my weight loss every 4 weeks. It does fluctuate so much from day to day and morning to night. I am not obsessed with it, I just like to see how different foods, liquds affect me (doesn't keep me from eating or drinking it).
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Once a week, every Saturday morning after I finish my workout while fasted. That way I know for sure what my maintenance level of calories is and can step it up or down depending on if I'm trying to lose or gain weight. Also helps to take a shirtless picture of myself, one relaxed the other flexed, after I weigh in so I can track progression.