The office food table

2 years ago I decided to change my life. I changed my diet, lost 55 pounds, and began a love affair with working out. I learned how to run, and pushed myself to new limits. I had plenty of setbacks along the way. This needs to be a permanent change, a new lifestyle. It's never going to be easy, but I am learning what I can and can't handle.

I can drive past fast food without a second look. I can make excellent choices in the grocery store, and cook healthy meals. My bf is even excited about cooking paleo recipes and trying new foods with me.

But that damn office food table!!!! At this moment, sitting not 4 feet from my desk is a conference table set up for a banquet. Pastries, breakfast casserole, chocolates, chips, crackers, bagels, candy, you name it. Whatever the excuse, be it somebody's birthday, a new employee on the floor, there's a food table. I always try and bring in something healthy like a veggie tray, but the temptation is ridiculous. If I can just make it through the day without eating one chocolate it's an enormous victory. If I give in, it will be a binge.

The only way I can fight through this is by talking through it with you good people, and drinking my water, and focusing on the next healthy meal. I will get to eat again. I'm not missing anything by depriving myself. I will go for a walk on my break. I will make good choices!!


  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Good for you! It's hard to accept that there will always be temptation no matter what stage of the journey you're in, but it seems like you've got a pretty healthy attitude towards it. People who have just started dieting seem to act as if the world is out to get them and shove bad food down their throats, and get all pissed off and upset about it as if it's everyone else's fault. The fact is, there are always going to be more people who DON'T give a crap about what they put in their mouths than those that do. And food is a global communicator-- giving food to someone is a sign of generosity, of warmth, of love. (If only we would all learn to give the veggie trays instead of the cookies, then we'd be set! Lol.) All we can do is flex our willpower muscles and say "no thank you". :)

    Thanks for being a good example!
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    We're all in this together. Just reading your post whilst hungry reminded me that i havent had a drink of water in the last 2 hours. Now i've just had some (thanks to you!) to keep the hunger at bay. Dinner time isnt far away..

    We got this!
  • hrubyk1804
    Oh I hear you! What is it about work and eating junk food that always seems to go hand in hand? lol
    I have that same issue at my job. There's always pizza, donuts every Friday, and the sales reps are all the time bringing by little goodies for everyone to try. I'm like you, if I don't give in it's a huge accomplishment. If I's a no holds barred binge!
    I like what you said about focusing on your next healthy meal...I'm going to try that...
    And good for you for resisting! That's tough to do!
  • BubonicTonic
    BubonicTonic Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks everybody! It's hard! Wah wah, poor me right? lol. Part of me says, suck it up, just say NO, how hard is that? But another part says come on, one little nibble won't kill you. Problem is, it never stops at one nibble! Ugh, I just have to set small goals. Just make it to my next meeting, then just make it to lunch, then I'll take a walk in the afternoon, then the day is almost over! The stronger I am today, the stronger I'll be tomorrow, and the next day. Thanks guys!!
  • ljmiller11
    ljmiller11 Posts: 67 Member
    I know how you feel! The treat table in my office is right behind me! It has food on it 100% of the time whether it be biscuits, chocolate, sweets etc... all of which I love and could eat all day long! I don't let it annoy me as I know this is always going to be the case, I just wish I was sat near the fruit table rather than this!

    I now allow myself one thing from the treat table on a Friday afternoon as a reward for staying strong all week. It has to be less than 200 cals and I just make myself do an extra workout to burn it off. Knowing I can have something eventually makes saying no the rest of the week seem a little easier.

    Keep strong guys!
  • sassy_sparkles
    The food table is always so hard to avoid; its so tempting. Drinking water and seeking support are awesome ways to stay on track. I'm a tea drinking kinda gal when the hunger bug bites and I start feeling the itch to eat those break room cookies.

    Buy a trinket for your desk or cube or put up a reminder of some type. It doesn't have to be anything big or expensive. Whenever you see that trinket, remember that you can only eat what YOU bring to the office.

    You've got a great attitude. You should be so proud of all of your success! Keep it up, sister!