Hmm.. to detox, or not to detox, that is the question...



  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    To all the people that have used the word "toxins", what are "toxins"?
    No one has EVER stated once on this site what these mysterious toxins are since I've been here (or any where).
    Not holding my breath...don't expect the proponents to answer. It's woo, pseudoscience at its best.
    Unicorn horn, pixie dust and fairy wings.
  • notthatthis
    To all the people that have used the word "toxins", what are "toxins"?
    No one has EVER stated once on this site what these mysterious toxins are since I've been here (or any where).
    Not holding my breath...don't expect the proponents to answer. It's woo, pseudoscience at its best.
    Unicorn horn, pixie dust and fairy wings.

    the toxins are peoples bad karma that are invading my prahna and limiting my ability to transcend. I am a breatharian and I know what i am talking about.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I recommend reading the book "Clean" by Alejandro Junger. It's got some really interesting ideas in it - he basically suggests doing a lot of juicing (not solely drinking juices) for 3 weeks in order to give your bodies natural detoxing organs and systems a little break and a jump start. The liver and kidneys DO detox our bodies for us already, but nowadays we eat so much food that the body is busy breaking down all that food all the time when it could be using that energy to help heal and maintain our body. As with any book or article, take it with a grain of salt. No one is right about everything, but he makes some good points. Good luck :)

    *I should say that I have followed a lot of his suggestions for several months and notice a HUGE difference in how I feel and how much energy I have, but I don't follow it to a T or anything.

    Your liver and kidneys do not need a "break." Even if you're not eating, all your cellular functions are continuallly creating waste and by products that yorur organs process around the clock. The idea that they need to "rest" is preposterous. Does your heart need to rest from all that pumping?

    My heart wouldnt need rest from "all that pumping", but what I put in my body decides how hard my heart has to pump. Being that eating unhealthy definately puts you at risk for heart disease, wouldn't excess metals, toxins and free radicals give your cleansing organs more of a workout than need be?

    I am asking the people that HAVE detoxed, if it is something that they would reccommend. Nowhere in my post did I say I wanted to lose a ton of weight fast and spend a bunch of money. Geesh, tough crowd.

    What makes you think you have "excess metals" in your body? What symptoms are you having? Because heavy metal intoxication has SERIOUS symptoms, not just this "blah" feeling. If you think you have excess metals in your system, get your blood levels checked. And what toxins? Name them! Again, have you been tested? And about these mysterious things giving my cleansing organs more of a workout than need be, wouldn't raising my heart rate through exercise give it more of a workout than need be? Unless you're seriously ill, YOUR ORGANS DON'T NEED TO REST.

    Even that quack Dr. Oz had to admit that cleansing diets don't work--he did his own little study with two groups of his watchers. One group ate their normally crappy diets, the other was given a two week stay a a spa and ate a specifically designed Dr. Oz detox diet for those two weeks. At the end of the time period? The blood tests between the two groups HAD NOT CHANGED. Whatever "toxins" Dr. Oz was checking (he never named them) were not affected by his detox program.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    I followed a 'detox' which was literally just eating & drinking fresh real raw food for one week - smoothies, salads, seeds, nuts, soups, basically a vegan diet - I did lose weight & I felt good for doing it.

    I wouldn't recommend tablet versions as you will be missing out on nutrients your body needs.

    Your body needs a varied & fresh food diet to perform at it's best, so just cutting out processed foods or living by the 80% rule of eating clean 80% of the day & allowing yourself a little snack that makes up 20% is a good way to go
  • notthatthis
    I know the true value of "detox" products, books, videos and seminars. Profit, where once no market existed thus the markekteers spotted an enormous profit and thus the detoxofication products were launched and hark did the cash registers ring. Now a $5 billion dollar a year business and 50 years ago there was no value.

    But the scientists asked, but where is the proof to back up your claims? The marketeers had no answer so they bombarded the world with their press releases and the internets and so it is proven, "Say it loud enough and long enough then people start to believe it".

    Detoxification - no medical proof. Our body does all the detoxing we need, and when it cannot like in sepsis - then you die and no amount of detoxing will save you. Or wrecking your detox organs with alcohol - see cirrhosis

    Intermittent Fasting and IGF-1, this is still not proven but more evidence points that this succeeds and benefits.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    To all the people that have used the word "toxins", what are "toxins"?
    No one has EVER stated once on this site what these mysterious toxins are since I've been here (or any where).
    Not holding my breath...don't expect the proponents to answer. It's woo, pseudoscience at its best.
    Unicorn horn, pixie dust and fairy wings.
    Y'know, I was just thinking about it when I read the above bolded passage: The vast majority of toxins we take into our body on a daily basis enter via inhalation. Maybe a "breathing cleanse/detox" is what people really need. If you held your breath for, say, three days, you'd give your respiratory system a well-deserved rest from all that breathing we do every day, and it would also vastly cut down on the "teh toxinzzz" taken in via respiration. Eat some cabbage soup beforehand and do daily soaks in epsom salts to draw all those poisons out through your skin (by whatever process makes that happen), and you should be a completely new, cleansed, rebooted, jump-started, detox'ed person after three days!

    (disclaimer: somewhere out there, there's somebody desperate/gullible enough to take this seriously and try it. It's satire. Don't do this. It wouldn't be good for you - just like any other cleanse/detox)
  • blleadon
    blleadon Posts: 187 Member
    Parasite cleanses are interesting to read about. I have tried it but I can't tell of the results because I didn't look at my waste.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Parasite cleanses are interesting to read about. I have tried it but I can't tell of the results because I didn't look at my waste.

    You're not full of parasites. Again, these people that claim we're loaded with creatures feeding off of us are the one who, coincidentally, make money selling you the cure.
  • happythermia
    My version of a detox is basically drinking only water and tea (instead of bourbon haha)

    I still totally eat.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Science says no.

    If you ask enough people, you'll find people that say the Earth is flat

    They will still be wrong, completely wasting their time, and leading others astray with their beliefs.


    Respectfully, OP, it doesn't really sound like you want anyone to post unless they are in favor of detoxes, and most of us aren't. We don't have to have tried it to know it's a bad idea, but if you want to hear from a member who *has* done one, see this post on the master cleanse:
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Tried a couple of different "cleanses", both the kind you spend money on and natural, food and drink cleanses, and I couldn't tell that either had any kind of lasting benefits. I feel better eating balanced (majority of my diet structured around getting all the necessary vitamins, minerals, carbs, proteins, etc., and then eating whatever for whatever calories I have left), and taking plenty of exercise (especially lifting heavy stuff), I've lost more weight that way, and kept it off as well. IMO, "detoxes" are a waste of time and money, and a lot of the science (already posted by others) seems to support it.
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I used to do cleanses and detoxes because I was impatient and wanted immediate results. All it did was empty my wallet, make me and miserable, cause me physical pain, not to mention the embarrassing bathroom emergencies at inopportune times. As someone who has done it before, no I do not recommend them.
  • Tammi140
    Tammi140 Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you to those of you that have shared your experience with different detoxes. I do appreciate you taking the time to satisfy my curiosity! Hugs