BMI too low?

Hey guys,

Is it dangerous to have a BMI of 15.6?

Also, I keep getting different results for my BMI on different websites, so who knows what the real one is!


  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    yes that is too low
    you need to put on weight! :) hope to be of help x
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    MFP shows a BMI of 15.6 as underweight. You say you have gone to other websites. Do any of them say that 15.6 is in a healthy range? I did a quick google of BMI indexes and I could not find any that said 15.6 was a healthy BMI. All I saw listed it as underweight.

    I guess if you wanted to settle it once and for all - ask your doctor what he thinks.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Yes - it's underweight. The calculations should be the same from any site though....

    What is your height and weight?
  • littlelisa24
    Yes that's too low. Normal and healthy range is between 18.5-25. You need to put on weight like the other girl said because you run the risk of becoming infertal if you lose your period. You also run the rise of getting oseoperosis... low bone density and brittle bone. You don't want that. I'm on the line as far as being under weight. Do you want to be weight gaining buddies?
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I agree with the "talk to your doctor advice" only because everyone's body comp. is different.

    My dad's 5'9" tall and his BMI always shows him to be underweight. He weighs 120lbs. He's always weighed that his entire adult life. He did physical labour and is almost 100% muscle. He's healthy. According to all his blood workups and tests, he's healthy.

    I want to be 200lbs of muscle and my BMI would be still in the obese category. I dont like BMIs for that reason - they dont take into account body composition.

    Now...that said...if you wanted a low BMI just to be skinny, just to have a certain number...then no...that's not healthy at all IMO.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I agree with the "talk to your doctor advice" only because everyone's body comp. is different.

    Ditto. Going to the doctor is a good call.
    The BMI isn't an accurate gauge -- its very generalized, which works for most people, but not for everyone. You're better of judging your weight by how you'd judge a dog's weight (and I"m being serious here) -- how far do your hip bones protrude, can you see your ribs, etc. Again, I'm totally serious! :smile:
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    3 words... Body Fat Percentage.
    I have the opposite problem. I'm a big girl.. I get that I've got more weight on me that I should BUT last time I had my body fat percentage calculated I have 180lbs of LEAN body mass. Which means my healthy weight will be around 200 pounds. According to the BMI for my height that's obese. Go find out what your body fat percentage is (it's going to require a professional with a caliper and it's an uncomfortable pinchy process). If it's low- you'll have health problems and you should have a professional talk to you about HEALTHY ways to put weight on. If it's normal- you may just be one of those people. Tall with a small frame or something like that...

    Hope that helps!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    3 words... Body Fat Percentage.
    I have the opposite problem. I'm a big girl.. I get that I've got more weight on me that I should BUT last time I had my body fat percentage calculated I have 180lbs of LEAN body mass. Which means my healthy weight will be around 200 pounds. According to the BMI for my height that's obese. b

    Important to note about this is that you may have 180 pounds of lean body mass now, but as your lose body weight your lean body mass will inevitably also decrease. :smile: Not only will your muscles possibly atrophy because you're not carrying as much weight around all the time, but also our bodies tend to burn lean muscle mass as well as fat when we're on a calorie deficit. Sorry if this makes me a pooper. :ohwell: I'm right there with you in terms of thinking me actually being healthy in a healthy BMI range is all but impossible -- I have gobs of muscle so at 210 pounds at 5'3.5" I wear a size 14. But, if you (and I) can find a way to maintain all of your (my) muscle as you (I) lose weight, then yes!
  • rainbowws
    rainbowws Posts: 41
    Yes - it's underweight. The calculations should be the same from any site though....

    What is your height and weight?

    I'm 164cm and 42kg
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Yes - it's underweight. The calculations should be the same from any site though....

    What is your height and weight?

    I'm 164cm and 42kg

    (converting to my measurements....) That's about 5'4" and 93 pounds - VERY thin. I have a 12 year old who is 5'4" and 104 pounds and she is very slender with a child's body.... I can't even imagine an adult that thin. Anyone know how much the human skeleton weighs????

    I would NOT try to lose weight if I were you - Nothing wrong with trying to eat healthfully and learn good habits that will last you a lifetime - but please, you may disappear (literally) if you lose much more.
  • littlelisa24
    I have to agree with wolf. I'm 5'1.5" and 104.5 pounds. when i started on here i was 100Ibs Which is really considered under weight if i have to round up on my height.