Over my fat limit for the day : (

Okay everyone....I know this is probably a silly question but, if I go over on my fat content for the day, what will happen?? Sounds silly...ya I know. But the funny thing is, the few days I have gone over on fat, I am UNDER on calories. I guess I feel that if I eat, for example, french fries...I must be super good the rest of the day, so I end up under my calorie goal--and over on fat : ). Just want to know if going over on fat will ruin a good "dieting" day otherwise. What do you think??


  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    If your goal is 1500 cals and you eat 1200 cals of french fries, you're not doing yourself any good. Going over every now and then is not bad for you, but don't starve yourself just because you want a supersize fry.
  • scha
    scha Posts: 2
    haha I had the same problem! But basically, you really need to commit (sp?) to your diet and NOT eat fatty foods that are not necessary for your diet. Maybe...have a cheat once a week. Pick a day...maybe Wednesday since it's hump day..or Friday because we all love Fridays - and then you could splurge a bit in french fries but that's it! Only ONE cheat just so you have a goal to work towards and you wont feel unmotivated.

    It's hard to let the fries go...i would know. LOL, havent had fries for a good.... 2- 3 weeks now! hahah

    Eating a high fat count and no protien, it will all go to your waist and thighs. But you can prevent it by not giving into the temptation!

  • itskim08
    itskim08 Posts: 22
    Oh I guess I should have been more clear. I NEVER super size anything. I'm talkin a small, happy meal sized french fry, or like today a medium which is 380 calories...per MFP. Definately do NOT starve myself by any means. My calorie goal for the day is 1580.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Of course you want to be conscious of the kinds of calories that you're eating, but like a previous poster said, it's ok to splurge a little bit once a week. And like you said, you went over on fat but stayed under your calorie goal. Congratulate yourself on the fact that you didn't give in and blow the whole day! Just keep up the good work of being accountable and before you know it, you won't even crave some of the bad things.
  • itskim08
    itskim08 Posts: 22
    Thanks so much everyone!
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I dont think going over your fat limit intake for 1 day will ruin anything. I think it's what we do EVERY day that makes a difference. If I want a cookie tonight and eat one, I dont think that'll ruin the whole week of no sweets. Now if I eat cookies today, tomorrow and the rest of next week.....that'll be a problem for me. Only because I know the not-so-healthy stuff will set off other cravings and binges.
  • DJH510
    DJH510 Posts: 114 Member
    Going over your fat limit is bad for your heart and other health issues. For weight loss purposes though, you need only look at calories.