feeling down and binge eating



  • appelsiinipuu
    appelsiinipuu Posts: 97 Member
    I think that emotional eating is definitely what got me this big. *sigh* When I started counting calories, I cut out chocolate altogether (my biggest weakness!) and of course, haven't had chips etc. It was VERY hard. The hard thing was to really have to feel all my feelings, instead of numbing them down with food. Twice I have gone to the supermarket on a mission to buy a lot of junk food, but I force myself to look at the calories on EVERYTHING and as I really don't want to go over too much, I have ended up coming home with a reasonably healthy choice (for example, I start looking at calories on all the lovely ice cream I want to have, but end up buying small tubs of weight watchers ice cream as I can easily fit those into my daily calorie allowance). I also always keep some Pepsi Max in the fridge. When I really feel the need for a treat, I have a glass/can of that... a treat for 1 calorie. :)
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    Take a step back before you eat. I've learned to put it in my log BEFORE I eat it to see how bad it will damage me. Sometimes it stops me, other times not so much.

    If you can stop yourself a few times it will become habit...and it will get easier. Yet sometimes you cant help it, then I say....Log it, EVERY single bit and move on. If you see how bad that day was, or how much you would GAIN if you kept eating like that it might slow you a bit nxt time.
  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member
    just up your head and start over the next day... thats what i do! You can do that!
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I have a bing eating group called step away from that binge eating here on mfp you are welcome to join. I made it private for everyone.
  • Dulian25
    You are SO not alone; I've been struggling with binge eating my entire life. The key is to DO SOMETHING ELSE. What are you interested in? When I want comfort food, I write about it in my journal, take pictures, do schoolwork, watch a movie, take a walk, grab a giant bowl of blueberries, something to keep my head out of greasy and unhealthy foods.

    Just keep in mind that you are not alone and, another great tactic, is to talk to yourself. Imagine being friends with someone who is confiding in you about their binge eating. What would you tell them? How would you suggest they improve? Every time you get an emotional craving, stop, and be your own friend : ).
  • ruckerbenton
    If there was a perfect solution for this problem there would be no fat people! I struggle with boredom eating as well as "one is just not enough." I realize that weight loss is a process that will take time and that we need to create new coping strategies. My problem is that I know in my heart and head exactly what needs to happen for my journey to be successful but that knowledge does not always translate to the right behaviors. I think activity is the best advise as well as reaching out to others which I am not very good at. Try to come up with ways to make yourself more accountable. Join a challenge. I belong to a TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) group. We meet weekly and have prizes for the person with the most lost each week. We also do a roll call where you state how you did each week. Club contests also help to keep me working toward my goal. I always hate to let my other team members down. Sometimes though the blues just happen and I think you just have to go with the flow. Best wishes!
  • JonesJM8
    JonesJM8 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for being confident enough to share this. I am an emotional eater and a binge eater. If I am alone, bored, stressed, I have the tendency to make several trips to the kitchen in search of something to eat. I have instituted rules like not buying the junk food for the house and I know that is a good step but I just want to not want to do it period. UGH! I so sympathize with your plight.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I hear you. I get days like that as well. I could just feel really down, or feel so overwhelmed, or something goes wrong and it really gets to me and I eat bad food. ugh.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Me too! I've been working on this for 4 years but especially since Sept 2012 when I realized exactly what I was doing to myself and why. Now I can't go that mindless anymore. I don't find myself standing in the kitchen, elbow deep in a chip bag anymore; I catch myself opening the cupboard and redirect myself then and there. Sometimes I have to leave the house to keep myself out of there.

    At times, I almost wish I could go into automatic pilot eating again because it's so much harder to admit why I'm bothered and how powerless I am to change it. (it has to do with a family member's drug addiction; I really am powerless to change it) Sigh ...........