Looking for a virtual workout buddy (or two)

I am not new to MFP, but I am new to using this Community. I have not been very successful lately with losing weight and I have often read that having a workout buddy (even a virtual one) or participating in "comunity" like this helps with success rates.

Over the last 2 years I have seen my weight go up and up - now I am stuck needing to lose about 25 extra pounds.Over the years I have been the typical yo-yo dieter. But as I age (I am now 46) I find it much more difficult to get those extra pound off. I would like to have a "virtual workout buddy" to be accountable to at least 2 days a week - someone to share successes and struggles with. Especially, since I have a significant-other at home who tries to be supportive, but who is VERY fit and just can't seem to understand why it is so hard for me to "loose those extra pounds" or "stop eating sweets". Grrrrr

Anyone isterested in making that kind of committment? If you are, let's do this together! I could REALLY use some help this time and in return, I hope I could help you.


  • I would love this I am in the same boat as you! I lose motivation to go to the gym whenever things get rough... I think it would be great to have a virtual gym buddy to hold me accountable!
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    I would totally be interested! If you haven't found people already. Just send me a message! (i often forget to check back on these topics when i post)
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I am really trying to increase my activity level as well. I have been here since July and I have lost 22 pounds which is great BUT I don't exercise nearly enough. I don't have a gym membership but I do have my own elliptical. I am willing to put in some work.