Introducing Myself

Hey all,

Pretty New to the Site.
Pretty New to the phone app.
Pretty knew to the whole diet thing in itself-- Excuse me. When people say diet around us- We say- "it's not a diet, It's a lifestyle change".

Im 25, Live in Detroit. Work 48-70 hours a week. Size 24. Enjoy reading, writing, singing horribly,community events, gardening,canning, and music. Love movies and tv series's. I love art and museums, i love to travel and to shop. I have always been a tom boy, but a girl girl too.

I have a sports injury and my knees are weak. So exercising can be difficult.

I have a g/f of 5 years and a stepson.

I've done many fad diets but never really stuck to any.

Excited about really doing this. Joining a gym soon.

Working for 15-30 minutes every other day with co workers at work.
Trying to do a little at home too.

Mainly eating better, and calorie tracking.

My diary is public I believe.

Looking For hints, tips, tricks, and ways to stay on track.
