My version of Pizza

Flat Out - Flat Bread Light Herb Italian, 1 flatbread (90)
Kraft - Reduced Fat-Parmesan Style Grated Topping 1/3 Less Fat, 2 tsp (20)
Sargento - 4 Cheese Italian Reduced Fat 2% Milk, 1/4 cup (80)
Spices - Basil, fresh, 2 tbsp (1)
Meijer - Ricotta Cheese Low Fat, 1/4 Cup (60)
Generic - Chef Boyardee Pizza Sauce, 1/4 cup (35)

total calories (286) :noway:


  • hollyroode
    omg that sounds so good! I love ricotta cheese! I would throw some thin tomato slices and some baby spinach leaves on mine!
  • Jamie_Moy
    Jamie_Moy Posts: 40
    Thanks:) I'm going to try that soon!!
  • GingerSnark
    GingerSnark Posts: 153
    I had 2 of these for dinner last night actually. One I left off the red sauce & just made a white pizza by adding 1tbsp of extra virgin olive oil. That changes the calories though.
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    Wow! Totally love this! I just recently discovered the flatout flatbread and made pizza for myself and my husband. I was satisfied after eating 1/2 a flatbread so I put the rest of my piece in the frig for later. My husband (NOT on a diet) found it and ate it! He's really starting to look better since he started "stealing" my salads and other foods instead of snacking on his ice cream, candy, etc. LOL!!

    I'm glad you posted this because I think it's a yummy healthy alternative to bought pizzas.:smile: