Wellbutrin & weight GAIN

I've been on Wellbutrin XL for about 3 years. At first, I lost weight on the 300mg dose - about ten pounds. But after that initial loss, I slowly began gaining. Have put on about 20 pounds now!! Switched last summer from the 300mg to the 150 mg, hoping the reduction would help. If anything, I'm gaining more. Have taken other antidepressants in the past (Elavil, Lexapro) and gained close to 40 pounds on those. THat weight came off almost immediately when I stopped them. There was a gap of about 2 years where I didn't take anything, and my weight was stable. I'm post-menopausal, so thought hormones were to blame. But I've gotten those straightened out with bioidentical hormones. So only suspect remaining (I think) is the Wellbutrin. I watch what I eat, do power yoga 4 to 5 times per week. Anybody else experience anything similar??


  • I started Wellburtin in November and I haven't noticed any weight gain but, its important to discuss your concerns with your doctor. Diary your food and exercise and if possible I'd print it out and so your doctor exactly what you've been eating and doing. I know its a bitter thing when you are on a medicine that's suppose to help you and you gain weight! :sad: