Lara bars

Are lara and nakd bars actually good for you? They taste too nice and they are way packed with calories so I am starting to wonder if they do anything in the processing that may make them actually unhealthy?

Totes grateful if you could help


  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I don't know about naked bars, but Larabars only have a very few ingredients. I've only had two, but the main ingredient was dates to hold everything together, plus nuts and dried fruit. Yes, they have about 200 calories but there's nothing unhealthy. I never eat dates by themselves, but they have a rich flavor and they replace oils, emulsifiers, sugars etc. that you find in most energy bars/candy bars. Fruit and nuts have calories, sugar, fat, etc., but that doesn't make them bad for you in moderation.

    If you really like them, you might try buying dates and making your own combinations. (I haven't done this myself, but I've been thinking about it.)

    Unless there's some scandal about Larabars leaving ingredients off the label, I think they are good for you. Those who eat zero processed/packaged foods may disagree.