So Here Goes :)

Hi, I'm pretty new here. I feel like the website has really helped me over the past week. In one week I have lost 13lb (my start weight I put in here was wrong, so it's just showing I've lost 9lbs. If anyone knows if there's away to correct that please let me know) and although I have a very daunting task ahead of me I'm ready for it :D I would like to lose 100 pounds and feel that I am equipped to do so. I would love to have all the support I could get and in turn hope to be of help to others. So please add me and lets all fight the fat :D


  • My goal is to lose 100 pounds, too! I've sent you a request. :D
  • ShellB8585
    ShellB8585 Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! I need to lose not far under 100lbs please feel free to add me as its useful to have a support network.
    to edit your start weight go to your home page then click the weigh in tab then somewhere on that screen it says "edit previous entries"
    we're going to do this!!!