Anyone out that just can't run?



  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    When I run it makes my teeth/gums hurt! I know it's so weird. Other exercise doesn't do that... just running.

    Hmm. Do you grind your teeth while you run? I find myself doing that on my motorcycle.

    Nope... even when I was a kid this happened. It feels like it's going my gums are going to burst. Maybe it's a blood pressure issue... I don't know, I guess I am a weirdo! LOL

    This hasn't happened to me in quite a while and I don't really remember what activity cause it (I was just a kid - so a LOOOONG time ago) but I remember my gums hurting and the sensation that my teeth were about to all fall out.

    And to the OP...I have no advice although the post with the shin/calf exercises sounds like they may be onto something. I WANT to be a runner even though I actually hate running. And not because I think it is the magic weight loss bullet - I weight train and do other cardio exercises that I actually enjoy - more because I think it would be amazing to have the sense of accomplishment attached to completing a race at some speed other than walking. I had grand plans for last year to be *the* year, but then trained myself into an actue case of plantar fasciitis. Unfortunately, everything that has been recommended so far has not worked but I was just fitted last week for custom inserts for both my athletic shoes and work shoes. Praying that works...although I may try out some of those exercises suggested. The one with the Army men sounds a lot like something I've heard is being done for football players with PF at the local university.

    Plantar fasciitis is a bear & the only thing that works is a lot of down time & patience. Forget about running for the near future. PF can often take up to a year to heal. Use use a vibrator massager twice a day. The massager stimulates blood flow and loosens the tendons. Keep your feet supported at all times, even when getting out of the bed to go to the bathroom at night.

    When things start feeling a "much" better start spending time going barefoot. Dont over do it. You need to walk barefoot to strengthen your feet. Your feet have been weakened and are flaccid because of wearing cushioned running shoes. After things heal consider running minimalist.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    I wish I could run. I get a couple of blocks and just about fall on my face. Get foot drop due to MS and end up tripping. So I just walk as fast as I can. My husband used to walk faster than me and leave me in his dust. Now I out walk him, look back and yell come on old man can't you keep up? Lol I do dream that I can run though.. does that count? LOL

    You go girl!
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I have gone through some brief running phases in my life that mostly resulted in plantar fasciitis, ankle, knee, and hip injuries. I spent thousands of dollars on shoes, orthotics, orthopedic specialists, etc. Nothing helped, and I was very close to requiring foot surgery. So I don't run, other than occasional hill sprint sessions when I'm feeling particularly ballsy. I don't think it's necessary. There are other ways to get a cardiovascular workout, if that's your thing (and it's not mine, at all).

    A lot of people run because they love it. More power to them. But I think most people run because they think it's the magic bullet for fat loss, and it just isn't. So if running is painful for you and not enjoyable, don't feel pressured to do it.


    Running's one of those things I'd never try if I had my life to do again.