on not being your average 21 yr old

Being a 21 year old for me doesn't mean partying and living a carefree life. It means waking up at 6 am to go spinning or whatever my workout of the day is, working two jobs and going to school full-time. I am wondering how many other students are in my situation and how do you find success? I feel like I am doing a pretty good job at keeping a healthy mindset but I would love to hear other students stories.


  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    My days are a little different, but I am a full time student and work as well. I also have 3 children under age 5 that I take care of and support alone. Planning has been the thing that keeps me on track the most. I literally have to plan every meal and every work out or it will not get done. Or I end up eating "fast food" on campus which is never the healthiest. I make my lunches on weekends, so on Sunday I will make 5 lunches for the week, that way I can grab them and go during the week. I can't work out during the same time every day, but as long as I have an extra hour, I can get one in.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I am a student as well, I work 30 hours a week, not to mention i have a dog, a boyfriend, and our own apartment. First off I absolutely commend you for being so driven and busting your a** like that, its no easy feat especially when trying to stay in shape. I know, trust me. I always pre plan my lunches and snacks and pack them the night before, including fruits and veggies, yogurt, granola bars, etc. that I can easily take with me because I am constantly on the go. I try to bring more than I think ill need because I dont wanna get stuck in a situation where im hungry and have no options. I force myself into the gym literally I have to make myself go. Thats the only way Ill stay on track with that. Its all about making time for it if its important to you. And then I go to sleep at like 8:30 (i feel like im 70 years old) and wake up at 6 AM and start all over :)
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    You are definitely not alone! I'm 22 and go to school full time (on campus 2 days a week) and work 3 jobs the rest of the time (however one of those is only 2 or 3 hours a week) . I have my own apartment and bills to pay too. I also try my best to plan things but I'm still flexible like some days I work out early and others in the evening, whatever fits for that day. I also found I'm more motivated if I go to the gym with someone so I take my bf with me if he isn't busy and I go every Wednesday after class with a friend.

    Its also important to remember that we are young and there isn't anything wrong with having some fun! Since most of my good friends live far away its great when we finally can meet up and get a few drinks together or see a movie. It keeps me sane, looking forward to stuff like that.