Things You Won't Change - for the Singles



  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Good luck being single!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :heart:

    Ding! Fries are done!

    I don't think that's a fair assumption. There is always room for compromise, but there is someone out there for everyone. Someone will come along that will accept her for the things she won't change. There's always wiggle room.

    :) Thanks for that but no need to defend. They're just having fun.
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    Everyone have something about them that may need to change from something as minor as chewing with your mouth open to something major like body odor or something else. Plus as you get older you will change some things within you because you are growing and learning different things. Things that you may feel strongly about this year, you may not feel strongly about next year.

    I just say love yourself and know what you are about first. Know what you will and won't put up with in a relationship and yourself. Just say thank you for your advice and walk away or make an excuse to walk away.....SMILE. People have stopped asking me why I'm single and soooooooooo glad about that. Just take it with a grain of salt, as they say. But if someone bring up something about yourself that you may not have thought about...I'd say think about it and if its something that you want to change then its up to you to change it.

    I'm about to be 50 and love it. Comments like that don't bother me anymore, when it's time for me get involve then it will happen and not a second later.
  • stepherzzzzz
    stepherzzzzz Posts: 469 Member
    The only thing anyone has ever told me I need to change is to be less shy. Cause, ya know, I'm totally shy by choice.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    When it comes to being myself, there isn't really anything I would change. Mostly because I think it's impossible to change who you are. I am totally willing to compromise on the little daily things. I certainly don't want to meet someone who would be perfect if only... No one is the perfect match for anyone else. You just look for someone you can love enough that you accept everything about them.

    I outright refuse to lie about myself to attract anyone. Maybe that's why I'm...

  • holmesp603
    holmesp603 Posts: 350 Member
    Wow - Let me first say this about:
    I will not change my mind on the fact that the toilet paper should face out....this is a deal breaker!!

    For whatever reason I totally agreed & recently I fell hard in love overnite!! I know-I know - but anyway I was in his BR & TP was faced the wong way (says me!) & it bothered me & I told him & he was like, huh?? Well I like it that way, but if its that important to u
    then change it! & I did - but then the next time I was in his BR - something came over me & I realized that it wasnt that deal breaker that I had ALWAYS stood by!!! So I changed it & havent thought about it since!!! Once upon a time, that wld have NEVER happened!

    So while a person should never change WHO they are - it is ok to compromise on somethings that MAKE you who you are - surely you will want that compromise from the other person!

    I got divorced in 2011 and just got engaged recently to be married very soon...I cld wite a book about the changes that are made that you are not even aware of - when it is the RIGHT one and that MUST be a TWO way street!

    As for flirting - I love to flirt - now while this is something that I HAVE NOT changed it DID natually tone down - again - I would expect
    the same from him - not to necessarily change - but to alter it...I dont wanna see my man flirting all the time & guessing he doesnt want to see me, its called respect...He wasnt crazy about my flirtin but told me that I have an awesome pesonality & social skills & he wld never want to stop that - but to tone it down would be nice, So NOT a deal breaker!!!!!
    Am I making any sense???