HELP!!!! 6 lbs to go....

Hello!!! Been excercising and eating cleanER for the last 6 weeks. Have lost 6 lbs thus far and I feel as though I am burning out. My goal weight is around 115 - 116 lbs so only about 6 lbs to go. I sure could use some motivation and friends and perhaps some fitness ideas and recipe exchanges. I am a single mom (42 years old) with a 14 year old son who has been forced to eat healthy with me. Ironically enough he has lost 11 lbs in the switch without even working out!!! Now thats frustrating in itself. I mostly do cardio on my Eliptical....30 minutes daily. Being a single mom I dont have much extra time for the gym so I mostly work out at home. These last few lbs are really kicking my butt....



  • Pfeiffer24
    Pfeiffer24 Posts: 106 Member
    Feel free to add me.. mom of 2 boys... I need 7 lbs to reach my feb goal then 10 lbs after that to reach 115!

    Its best to get in those 5 minute intense exercises to pump up your metabolism! before making dinner do some burpees,squats,lunges,jumping jax,mountain climbers.. or even right before a shower! busy moms can still afford 5 mins 1 time or more a day ;)... try having a competition with your son on how many burpees u can do in 1 minute ;)
  • michelleLynette
    michelleLynette Posts: 289 Member
    Im right there with you..seems like the last little bit is the hardest. Have you ever ran? Im telling you the pounds will drop like rain:)